I think i have bad soil please help PICS


So i planted my plants almost 2 weeks ago and there are not getting very big there are some pics below. i used miracle grow organic soil it was not till after the first week i read on the bag that it was not meant for pots only for outdoor use but the guy at home depot said it would work for indoor plants and i'm using a 400w MH bulb with a 4 amp fan for 12 plants what do you think for 2 weeks old; am i just trippin or are my plants at risk? thank you for your input

ps does bud candy really work? link


Mr Bomb

Active Member
So i planted my plants almost 2 weeks ago and there are not getting very big there are some pics below. i used miracle grow organic soil it was not till after the first week i read on the bag that it was not meant for pots only for outdoor use but the guy at home depot said it would work for indoor plants and i'm using a 400w MH bulb with a 4 amp fan for 12 plants what do you think for 2 weeks old; am i just trippin or are my plants at risk? thank you for your input

ps does bud candy really work? link
I think that miracle grow soil isnt worth what it costs to throw it away. I would never refer to miracle grow anything as organic regardless of what the bag says and you should have never taken advice from the guy at home depot that probably makes minimum wage and hates his job and life.

Now that I got that out of my system I think its still a little too early to know for sure. It could be the soil or it could also be the strain or a whole list of other things. Assuming your doing everything else right it will not take much longer to figure out.

If these were my plants I would transplant them to a better soil right away. I use foxfarm ocean forest and get great results. You may be risking a little shock for the plants but better now than later.

As far as bud candy I personally have never used it but have heard quite a few good reviews on it.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Is that 2 weeks from seed or 2 weeks from sprout. I have to agree , MG isnt the best soil to use for MJ . But if its all you have then use it. I have used it in the past with some good results . I prefer to use the stuff I make using subcools recipe .


New Member
looks like youve got a case of over fert. id keep em in it and hope for the best they should be fine and perk up also i wouldnt water directly onto the plant, and dont over water it. it should perk up just give it sum time.


Well-Known Member
i use MG Organic Garden soil, it's not bad but it has some quirks to it
1st being it's quite acidic, it basically a wood waste compost, that gives it the high acidity
highly recommend mixing in some dolomite to 'sweeten' the ph, should be mixed into the soil, not applied to the surface, it's something you need to do before planting
it's also a rather compact soil, it needs some air!
perlite really helps with that, lightens it up, again needs to be done at soil mix time
your plant doesn't look bad at all, bit stretched, so moving the light a bit closer would likely help
but not too close, you can easily fry it with a 400w MH