one 60amp panel is not enough for 8000 and both 60 amp panels is pushin it if u plan on living there....appliances....ect...
plus A/C for all them lights.
now if u run them all 220 (thats 16 breaker spaces) then u can do it. thats just alot of light for 80! i would say 4 1000's topps. do u have 16 available spots in your breaker boxes ?
nope i dont have enough space in the breaker could only fit a total of 6 breakers in there. so there is no way i can change the amperage to 100amps on that 6 gauge so that i can run all 8 lites. i freakn set everything up and now probably have to take it down.
oh this might not b the appropriate place to ask but if i have a closed room with lights, exhaust fans and ac running do i still have to have fresh air going in to the room?