Its time: First Grow Journal:LST,150 Watt HPS,and Daily Updates(cause I have no life)


New Member
Daily Update: (Day 29 from Seed)- LST

So I LST'ed the girls and they look amazing. I drilled holes in the side of my pot and wrapped pipe cleaners around nodes in the plant. I then tied the pipe cleaner to the side of the pots. Everything went according to plan and there was no breakage in the stems. I also made sure that they weren't too tight. They are starting to get huge and look like a bush:-P! This is what I want. Also if you look you can see some serious leaf sites popping up now that they are getting light.

There is still some slight discoloration in some of the fan leaves. I would give them one more feeding of just FFBB and then add Grow Big but I am going out of town for 2 days (Friday day through Sunday night). I need to water them right before I leave so timing of watering now is an issue. Overall the discoloration doesn't have me missing any sleep...

Here are some pics



Well-Known Member
lookin good man, what kind of setup you got goin there, is that a carbon scrubber on top, it looks good
will you tell me what you did there cuz it looks nice man, looks like you get good ventilation


New Member
Daily Update (Day 30 from Seed)

Today was BALLIN! I almost got all of my clone area set up! I literally just sat on the floor and stared at the blank space until I had a good idea on how to do it. This came to me. The 26w CFL's cord goes under the styrofoam layer and is led out a hole in the back to a timer. The time is set for 21 hours of light. I hide the timer with a decorative/stealth bush;-). I plan to get a P/C fan for the hole in the back but I am not sure whether I should make it an intake or an exhaust fan...or if necessary use the hole the cord comes out of. I also took picture of the mess/pain in the ass this leaves behind!

As for my girls, they look ok. No explosive growth and there are some yellow spots on a few leaves (total). I tried to take a picture of them. I think this was from heat because I saw it getting up to 83 in there probably due to hot weather in my city. I moved the HPS fan an inch further away and cranked up the A/C for once. I plan to get a more energy efficient cooling device for my box than my A/C in the near future. Another probable reason for yellow spots is they have also only been given one feeding with 1/2 str. FFBB and this was 2 days ago. First thing on my agenda tomorrow is to go to the grow shop and pick up fox farm grow big and start the girls on that. I plan to continue 1/2 str. FFBB and I'll prob give them 1/2 str. FFGB too. 1/4 str. if I get sheepish. I am trying to stick to the schedule Fox Farm gives as much as possible.

Here are the pics:



New Member
edward- yeah the ventilation is pretty good. Its stays around 79-83 which is pretty much as good as I can do. If I crank on the A/C in the other room it gets down to 75-76. That is ideal but my electricity bill would go up a lot so I just leave the A/C in my place off for the most part.

As for what I did, If you go back to the first page I did a super in depth explanation of the entire build. Yes, It is a carbon scrubber and works pretty well too. When the inline fan is off I can smell the plants a lil outside the cab but when it is on everything is minty fresh. The ventilation works like this. The carbon scrubber sits above the hot HPS and is suspended by bungee cords. The air is sucked through the scrubber by the powerful inline fan (rapped in pink insulation, 80 watts, loud as fuck) and is then transported out the back of the cab through a hole. It then proceeds out the back of the grow cab and into the crawl space of my apartment. I cut a hole in my wall and connected the cab to the hole. This keeps the inline fan relatively quiet and light/smell/temps in check. No more recycled air. There are pictures of everything along the journal. I would post the pics but I am on a different computer.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about those temps. My setup in summer gets over 90 despite 2 air cons going. Last summer we had a day here where the temps outside got up to 47 (116ish) and in the grow room it got over 105. That day the plants struggled lol but i actually find they grow faster in summer. (in winter have it about 77) IME anything under 95 is ok and shouldn't affect groth. For this situation i would hold off air con as much as possible to save cash!


Well-Known Member
Dude you doing it....You really should try to get that cfl in a horizontal position ..cfl put out more at the sides then from the top....hey go to home depot and pick up some y splitter for your cfl lights that way you could use one splitter for two lights and they would sit more horizontal and it helps to position the cfl lights... is a pic on that page of a y-splitter ( its what the CFL's are screw into)..they cost like 1.50. get a few to find the position you want ( you can connect them to each other ) and get even better positions


New Member
Yeah I plan to get a Y splitter for the clone area. Prob put two 20 watts in there and call it a day. I will only have one to two clones in there at a time.

p.s. this pic would make a sweet htg supply ad


Well-Known Member
awesome ...your broads are looking lovely..... oh yeah as far as growth when you top it slows it for a couple of days then it picks right back up


New Member
yo dude I bought a P/C fan for my clone cab and IDK how to get it powered. I started a new thread and asked this question and someone said a battery wouldn't do it and that I would have to hook the black and red up to a phone charger. I tried that and hooked it up and it would barely turn. When I put it to a battery it hauled ass.

What do I do? How do you set up your p/c fans?


Well-Known Member
you have to have a charger that can get out some power ...whats the output on the charger ?????? example output:5.2vdc 400mA want to get as much output power you can ..... just make sure the fan can handle the power...start looking at all your chargers to see which has the highest output


Well-Known Member
what ever gets that baby to spin for ya...but what about when the battery dies ????? dude you can find a old use phone charger with a high output ask a friend if they have one until you find one that gets that fan to spin and sing...use the battery until you come across one I suppose...


Active Member
I sit here all day too wtahcing these i never leave i get food delivered but i have 30 going on my 1st. only 1 died actually i pulled it bc it was too weak.

question. then again i never did this but mine are over 3 feet and thats in vegging, will that cabinet hold flowering plants? mine i expext to hit my celing after they are finally done


New Member
yes, yes it should. I LST (Low Stress Trained) my plants which keeps them as a bush instead of your which are tall like trees. Both have their positives and negatives. Whichever way you prefer I guess. Mine should double from that size and fill up my cab for sure. I plan to have one plant flowering, one vegging and a mother from now on. 2 flowering plants is prob too many :(