Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN

Big P

Well-Known Member
November 11, 2009, 6:21 pm
Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN

Robert Caplin for The New York Times Lou Dobbs, above, at the anchor desk at CNN’s New York studio in 2006, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately.

Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views have made him a TV lightning rod, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately.

Sitting before an image of an American flag on his television set, he said “some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day.”

“I’m considering a number of options and directions,” Mr. Dobbs added. A transcript of his remarks is available here.

Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN/U.S. said in a statement that “Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere.”
“All of us will miss his appetite for big ideas, the megawatt smile and larger than life presence he brought to our newsroom,” Mr. Klein said.
Wednesday’s program will be Mr. Dobbs’ last on CNN. His contract was not set to expire until the end of 2011. He told viewers that CNN had agreed to release him from his contract early.

CNN indicated that it would name a replacement for Mr. Dobbs on Thursday morning.

Mr. Dobbs informed his staff members of his intentions in a meeting Wednesday afternoon, catching some of the staffers off-guard.
Well known for his political positions, Mr. Dobbs is an outlier at CNN, which has sought to position itself as a middle ground of sorts in the fractious cable news arena. The CNN employees said Wednesday that they did not know if Mr. Dobbs was moving to another network.

Mr. Dobbs met with Roger Ailes, the chairman of the Fox News Channel, in September. At the time Mr. Dobbs was viewed as a potential hire for the Fox Business Network. But a Fox spokesperson said Wednesday, “We have not had any discussions with Lou Dobbs for Fox News or Fox Business.”
Mr. Dobbs has been with CNN since its founding, save for a two-year stint at a Web site called Space.com. He has evolved over the years from a straight-laced business anchor to an outspoken commentator who rails against illegal immigration and taxpayer bailouts, among other subjects.
Lately, though, he has saved most of his opinions for his afternoon radio show, which made its debut in March 2008. It is on the radio show that he talked repeatedly about the conspiracy theory claims that President Obama is not a United States citizen. When he mentioned the citizenship issue on CNN over the summer, his bosses were forced to call it a “dead issue.”

More recently, Mr. Dobbs’ views on immigration provoked a protest by Hispanic groups. Members of the groups complained that CNN was allowing Mr. Dobbs “to spread lies and misinformation about us each night.”
Wednesday evening, the advocacy group Presente.org, which had called

on CNN to fire Mr. Dobbs, declared a “victory.”

“Our contention all along was that Lou Dobbs — who has a long record of spreading lies and conspiracy theories about immigrants and Latinos — does not belong on the ‘most trusted name in news,’” Roberto Lovato, a co-founder of Presente.org, said in a statement. “We are thrilled that Dobbs no longer has this legitimate platform from which to incite fear and hate.”

Last month the New Jersey State Police were called to Mr. Dobbs home to investigate a report of gunfire. Mr. Dobbs suggested that his family had been singled out because of his views on illegal immigration and border security.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if he was just shut down........
It's too bad we may never really know the real reason, well you know we won't.

Illegal Smile

Of course we know the reason. Do you really think this is what CNN wanted? No, they wanted him to stay and shutup. They wanted him to bow down to the orders of what to say and what not to say.

But now that he is gone they know he will be saying much much more. He didn't leave without a clue what he was going to do. He has a gig of some kind planned and we will be hearing a lot more from Lou Dobbs than we ever would have heard if CNN had just permitted some diversity of views instead of censoring him. You go Lou!!


Well-Known Member
I never watched him anyway ... I know it was pressure on CNN to release him... To many petitions were floating around to get him off the air....Hell he left CNN before over controversy .......

Illegal Smile

I hear they considered tying him to a chair and gagging him but they decided that might not make CNN look more fair and balanced.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I hear they considered tying him to a chair and gagging him but they decided that might not make CNN look more fair and balanced.


I bet he will have a very big show on fox business network

I wonder what wolf blitzer is gonna do now, people have been bailing that sinking CNN ship for a long time

CNN now is like a socialist government. you can see how much thier employees like that arrangement, most have run to fox, starting with Greta Van Sustrin, Bill Hemmer, Major Garrettand many more I cant think of

Someone Shot Lou Dobbs's House

Photo: Getty Images

At around 10:30 in the morning on October 6 a bullet hit Lou Dobbs's house in rural New Jersey, police said today. Dobbs's wife and his driver were outside when a bullet struck the house near the roof and fell to the ground. Dobbs mentioned the incident on his show Monday, saying the shot followed a series of threatening phone calls. Luckily, the CNN anchor has a way to make sure his house remains free of illegal bullets — build a fence around it.


Illegal Smile

No, I don't think he will go to Fox. If he does he will miss an opportunity. I could see him going to a network that wants to say "Look - we have a conservative program - we're fair and balanced too!"

Wherever he goes he is going to rub it in CNN's face. He has tons of reports he can give and introduce them by saying, "CNN refused to let me air this story - but now you can decide for yourself."


New Member
Of course, he had become a right wing pundit. I'd bet he will be following his buddy, Beck, to Fox. They always have a place for righties, and he'll fit right in. I used to watch him religiously, but in the last couple of years, he had become radicalized. I guess he listend to rush limpballs or some other right wing extremest deuschbags. He won't be missed by me. In fact, I was wondering when CNN was going to give him the boot.


Well-Known Member
Of course, he had become a right wing pundit. I'd bet he will be following his buddy, Beck, to Fox. They always have a place for righties, and he'll fit right in. I used to watch him religiously, but in the last couple of years, he had become radicalized. I guess he listend to rush limpballs or some other right wing extremest deuschbags. He won't be missed by me. In fact, I was wondering when CNN was going to give him the boot.
hes a fan of the obama health care plan

the only right wing thing he endorses is protecting our borders and basic economic capitalism ideals


Well-Known Member
Of course we know the reason. Do you really think this is what CNN wanted? No, they wanted him to stay and shutup. They wanted him to bow down to the orders of what to say and what not to say.

But now that he is gone they know he will be saying much much more. He didn't leave without a clue what he was going to do. He has a gig of some kind planned and we will be hearing a lot more from Lou Dobbs than we ever would have heard if CNN had just permitted some diversity of views instead of censoring him. You go Lou!!
I hope is he for the better good, but he could be being using to advert our attention away from what we should be seeing.

The gov uses the TV and media to make us dumbed down, keep that shit in mind everytime stuff happens that makes you want to stay glued to that boob tube....

Of course, he had become a right wing pundit. I'd bet he will be following his buddy, Beck, to Fox. They always have a place for righties, and he'll fit right in. I used to watch him religiously, but in the last couple of years, he had become radicalized. I guess he listend to rush limpballs or some other right wing extremest deuschbags. He won't be missed by me. In fact, I was wondering when CNN was going to give him the boot.
Left/right doesnt matter, all gov pawns, and none care about the real people.
Either was the news plp aren't the prophets you all think they are, they are only part of the deception.

Illegal Smile

Dobbs got in trouble when he refused to stop saying that Obama, like every other president, should produce a birth certificate to prove his eligibility.


New Member
hes a fan of the obama health care plan

the only right wing thing he endorses is protecting our borders and basic economic capitalism ideals
Man are you misinformed. He spends at least 2/3 of his program bashing everything Obama. Maybe you should watch it more often. I used to watch him religiously when his agenda was mostly about illegals, but he has turned in the last few months. He is now just another right wing deuschebag pundit. He will be welcomed with open arms at FAUX.

Illegal Smile

Man are you misinformed. He spends at least 2/3 of his program bashing everything Obama. Maybe you should watch it more often. I used to watch him religiously when his agenda was mostly about illegals, but he has turned in the last few months. He is now just another right wing deuschebag pundit. He will be welcomed with open arms at FAUX.
Cannot you not connect even two dots? Yes he has been very critical of Obama and yes he was gagged and silenced and yes now he is leaving CNN for a place where he can exercise his free speech rights. Yes we understand that Obama and his allies in his state controlled media will attack anyone who dares voice an opinion they don't like. And yes, we intend to fight back.


Active Member

I bet he will have a very big show on fox business network

I wonder what wolf blitzer is gonna do now, people have been bailing that sinking CNN ship for a long time

CNN now is like a socialist government. you can see how much thier employees like that arrangement, most have run to fox, starting with Greta Van Sustrin, Bill Hemmer, Major Garrettand many more I cant think of

Someone Shot Lou Dobbs's House

Photo: Getty Images

At around 10:30 in the morning on October 6 a bullet hit Lou Dobbs's house in rural New Jersey, police said today. Dobbs's wife and his driver were outside when a bullet struck the house near the roof and fell to the ground. Dobbs mentioned the incident on his show Monday, saying the shot followed a series of threatening phone calls. Luckily, the CNN anchor has a way to make sure his house remains free of illegal bullets — build a fence around it.

Can't believe you forgot Glenn Beck;-)

Also John Stossel went there. He was from CBS though.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Can't believe you forgot Glenn Beck;-)

Also John Stossel went there. He was from CBS though.
oh yea how could i forget good ol glendale beck the coolest nerd on earth:bigjoint:

this guys is the funniest news caster out there he rules!!!! and you can see how much the left cant stand him cuz he is soo likeble, maybe hes insane:bigjoint: one second he is outing communists in our government the next min hes boiling fake frogs, next second hes crying his eyes out,

lol he even has a red phone on his show directly connected to the white house so they can simply call him if he ever says anything untrue about the white house.

They have yet to call:bigjoint:




New Member
Big P, you off your meds again. Yes The "Beckster" is off his rocker. Enough said. In fact most all the pundits at Fox are fucking crazy, along with their loyal viewers. They will be adding more of the insanity with the addition of Dobbs.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P, you off your meds again. Yes The "Beckster" is off his rocker. Enough said. In fact most all the pundits at Fox are fucking crazy, along with their loyal viewers. They will be adding more of the insanity with the addition of Dobbs.

truly you know and I know the only sense you hear in the news if from fox news.

the other stuff is for the Obama sheeple, being normal would be considered crazy by an insane person.

maybe you are the insane one medi and thats why you find normal people to be "crazy" :bigjoint: