Yellow on leaves (need help)


Ok guys i transplanted everything out of mg into organic soil and mixed in some perlite... actually changed the whole set up of my grow room still need more light and got to rig up some c02 in it and a fan but i think i got the dirt right atleast...comments welcome



Well-Known Member
from my experiance it looks like nute burn, mg soil is hard to use. personally i would learn with multi purpose compost, it is underated and quite forgiving. that mg soil releases nutes with every watering. how often do you water? are you adding nutes and at what strengh?


i just transplanted them 3 days ago out of the mg moisture control in to some organic soil brand was still mg but the npk level is either 10/5/5 or 5/10/5 which the moisture control was 20/10/15 i dnt use any nutes and i watered them as soon as i transplanted them and havent watered since