denny beezwax
Active Member
Man, Smoking Rubber is all over the place with some very strange and questionable advice. I saw one thread where he got in a huge "screaming" match with somebody and temporally banned. Whoa.
Oh and the reason I said that if you look through my old journals you'd see why I don't feed early and don't feed strong in veg......I've burned many, many plants. Especially using AN nutes, they are strong and less is way more. Check out my current grow log, my previous grow log, I don't fuck around anymore and I've figured out how to do this without burning the plants and slowing yourself way down. And this smokingrubber guy has tried to contradict me on a few threads now and it's pissing me off that he's offering up poor advice based on shit he's just simply read somewhere. 3rd set of leaves 400ppm, told ya. That's 100% guaranteed to burn the shit out of them and it's TERRIBLE advice.
Put them back on plain water until you see new growth that is nice and green again up on top. Then move to 50ppm and leave it there for a couple of days. You need to be gentle too them. Seedlings are sensitive.
Oh yeah...and as reminder, pics please.