When should I start using bigger lights?


Active Member
Hey everybody! Right now I am growing 4 plants under a 60w CFL light in my closet. I have a 150w CFL light, and I was just wondering when I should start using it.

Thanks for the feedback, i'll give extra rep. points to the most helpful!


Active Member
Hey everybody! Right now I am growing 4 plants under a 60w CFL light in my closet. I have a 150w CFL light, and I was just wondering when I should start using it.

Thanks for the feedback, i'll give extra rep. points to the most helpful!

bump it please :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! Right now I am growing 4 plants under a 60w CFL light in my closet. I have a 150w CFL light, and I was just wondering when I should start using it.

Thanks for the feedback, i'll give extra rep. points to the most helpful!
How old are your plants. You can pretty much use it any time you want though. Just keep it further away at first until the plants get used to the bigger light. Best of luck and welcome to RIU.


Active Member
How old are your plants. You can pretty much use it any time you want though. Just keep it further away at first until the plants get used to the bigger light. Best of luck and welcome to RIU.
My oldest plant is a week old. When would be the best time to start using the light do you think, maybe 2-3 more weeks?

This site is awesome b.t.w. I come here every day now.


Well-Known Member
My oldest plant is a week old. When would be the best time to start using the light do you think, maybe 2-3 more weeks?

This site is awesome b.t.w. I come here every day now.
I would start in about a week or 2. It's really up to you but you can start now if you want. Just be careful and keep it further away to start.


Active Member
I have put my vegging plants under HPS just as a test. but they FLOURISH under my 4 32 watt CFLs, they are about 3 feet and bushy, so in my case i dont need ANYthing more to get a full happy HEALTHY plant

anything more seemed to be too hoot for too long. these are cool running lights that they sems to LOVE!
so im swqtiching to HPS only when i go to flowering which is tomorrow


Active Member
I have put my vegging plants under HPS just as a test. but they FLOURISH under my 4 32 watt CFLs, they are about 3 feet and bushy, so in my case i dont need ANYthing more to get a full happy HEALTHY plant

anything more seemed to be too hoot for too long. these are cool running lights that they sems to LOVE!
so im swqtiching to HPS only when i go to flowering which is tomorrow
How did they do when you put them under the HPS light? I think I might just start using my other light when they start flowering, which is in around 4-5 weeks.