Here is 1 month, with the help of you guys!


Hey guys, I've been surfing this site for a couple of months now. I decided to plant a seed and see how it went and with the help of this site this is what I've accomplished for my first time. Here is what I've used so far:

Miracle Grow Potting Soil
One 60 watt CFL bulb
Filtered Tap Water
You can see in the pictures the size of the pot I've been using since it turned 3 weeks old, I'm honestly not sure how big it is.

I do have some questions, but first I would like to hear any suggestions you guys have just based on my photos. Thanks!



Nothing yet actually, that was one of the questions I've had. I forgot to mention in my first post that I've kept it under 24 hours of light pretty much the whole time.


Active Member
Nothing yet actually, that was one of the questions I've had. I forgot to mention in my first post that I've kept it under 24 hours of light pretty much the whole time.
Damn, you should start doing a 18 hours of light, 6 hours of darkness cycle..and I would start giving it some plant food, and or nutrients if you haven't already.


Well-Known Member
looks nice hope its a girl.i'm at one month too but yours looks more compact mine are tall and have a lot of space between the leave sets?maybe its the strain of plant?


Active Member
i think some miracle grow soils have time relese fertalizers but if not she could handle some nutes now. I like 24/0 for fresh clones but i only do it for a couple of weeks


I found the seed in some hydroponic I bought, some of the more potent pot I've smoked, and decided to give it a shot. I know that it doesn't have a name, but other than that I don't know anything about the strain.


Well-Known Member
I found the seed in some hydroponic I bought, some of the more potent pot I've smoked, and decided to give it a shot. I know that it doesn't have a name, but other than that I don't know anything about the strain.
Looks heavily indica based.

Nice looking plant, especially for 1 60 watt light.

Keep it up :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
fuck dont changes now 18/6 if yu have doing 24h over a month, if yu turn the light cycle this will stress your plant and give a big changes to turn hermafrodite, and they will ruin everything..


Well-Known Member
HERE SOME INFO YU GUYS.. and beginners !! about male and hermies (some info)

for infromation!

Hermies cause problems because they may carry the hermie
trait with their offspring. In fact, genetically the hermie will only
produce female seeds and hermaphrodite seeds. It will never produce a
male seed. If you have ever seen all female seeds been advertised by
seed-banks then you should have the right to know that these seeds
come from female plants which are stressed into producing male
flowers. The plants then self-pollinate themselves and the results are
female and hermaphrodite seeds. In a special case a female known as
an XX female will produce more female seeds than hermaphrodite
seeds. That is how female seeds are created. In general growers try to
keep away from any hermie plants because they will spoil a Sinsemilla
crop. Also having pollen floating around in your grow room from a
hermie plant will spoil everything else including breeding projects.
Abnormal bud growth is a side effect of this. Because the
plant produces male pollen sacks in with female flowers you may
notice that the bud looks different. Also the quantity of female bud
produced is decreased because of pollination.
Early induced flowering is not technically forcing your plant
to flower. If you force flower on one strain that has not pre-flowered it
will flower at roughly the same time as an exact copy of the same
strain which has been flowered only when the pre-flowers appear
naturally. Force flowering simply acts by stressing the plant into a
crisis condition.


MALE POTENCY Between the strains
The male plant is not a good smoke. This however may not always be the case. Some strains have male plants
that produce more THC than other males of a different strain.
Sometimes the male can be stronger than a female from another weak
strain. Most male plants from good genetics are stronger than the
Ruderalis female. Males can be smoked or made into hash oil. Simply
wait until the plant is flowering and then clip the top 6 to 12 inches of
the plant away and remove the leaves. Throwaway any stems and
branches. Cure these leaves and then find out for yourself if the male is
any good or not. You may be in for a surprise:bigjoint::leaf: