Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN


Well-Known Member
Cannot you not connect even two dots? Yes he has been very critical of Obama and yes he was gagged and silenced and yes now he is leaving CNN for a place where he can exercise his free speech rights. Yes we understand that Obama and his allies in his state controlled media will attack anyone who dares voice an opinion they don't like. And yes, we intend to fight back.

dobbs can exercise his free speech rights anywhere he wants... as long as CNN is paying him to talk on the air, on their channel, it's a different ballgame.

and if he doesn't like it... he should leave, which is what he is doing....

so stop twisting this like if CNN was some sort of fascist conspiracy to overthrow lou dobbs show and silence his rights... it's not that complicated....

it was obvious is that Obama is the president, he is an American Citizen, and the LEGAL president of the United States. the only station that was running with this whole birth movement was fox, because it undermines the liberal agenda.... CNN, as the news organization that it is, saw that the whole birth certificate movement was a road to nowhere, a bunch of bullshit, so they decided it was against the public's and the station's interest to keep spreading that bullshit...... :wall:


Well-Known Member
truly you know and I know the only sense you hear in the news if from fox news.

the other stuff is for the Obama sheeple, being normal would be considered crazy by an insane person.

maybe you are the insane one medi and thats why you find normal people to be "crazy" :bigjoint:
jirka dirka LMFAO:bigjoint:

Illegal Smile


dobbs can exercise his free speech rights anywhere he wants... as long as CNN is paying him to talk on the air, on their channel, it's a different ballgame.

and if he doesn't like it... he should leave, which is what he is doing....

so stop twisting this like if CNN was some sort of fascist conspiracy to overthrow lou dobbs show and silence his rights... it's not that complicated....

it was obvious is that Obama is the president, he is an American Citizen, and the LEGAL president of the United States. the only station that was running with this whole birth movement was fox, because it undermines the liberal agenda.... CNN, as the news organization that it is, saw that the whole birth certificate movement was a road to nowhere, a bunch of bullshit, so they decided it was against the public's and the station's interest to keep spreading that bullshit...... :wall:
Yes a news organization can force reporters to report what they are told and only what they are told. Is that what most americans want from news organizations? I don't think so. Dobbs leaving just further exposes CNN for what everyone knows they are.

As for Obama, why has he now spent nearly 1.5 million fighting efforts to make him release the birth certificate? Obviously he has something to hide. And Fox is also guilty for not adequately pursing the story. Obama is not a legitimate president and it will come out the the dem leadership has known it all along and participated in the cover-up.


New Member
This is just more proof that the Left cannot stand the light of day. In the name of political correctness, our free speech rights are being eroded rapidly. Time to wake up folks, its almost too late.


Well-Known Member
This is just more proof that the Left cannot stand the light of day. In the name of political correctness, our free speech rights are being eroded rapidly. Time to wake up folks, its almost too late.
How has your freedom of speech been eroded?


Well-Known Member
How has your freedom of speech been eroded?
Theres a number of things you can't say anymore.


1 0bama will have you busted
2 it will be racists or considered even if it wasnt ment
3 you will hurt someone feelings and thats a hate crime
4 its the truth and some entities and/or plp can't stand the truth because it will un do them... *cough* IRS


New Member
This is just more proof that the Left cannot stand the light of day. In the name of political correctness, our free speech rights are being eroded rapidly. Time to wake up folks, its almost too late.
You actually believe that Rupert doesn't influence his pundits at fox? I contend he directs them to fit his agenda, truthful or not, mostly not.


Well-Known Member
You actually believe that Rupert doesn't influence his pundits at fox? I contend he directs them to fit his agenda, truthful or not, mostly not.
ding ding ding - we have a winner Johnny, and tell him what he's won.......

Sorry man there is no prize for thinking for yourself other than you are one of the better and wiser ones and in the end that's all that will count!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Theres a number of things you can't say anymore.


1 0bama will have you busted
2 it will be racists or considered even if it wasnt ment
3 you will hurt someone feelings and thats a hate crime
4 its the truth and some entities and/or plp can't stand the truth because it will un do them... *cough* IRS
That was not obama, also what did clear channel communications due for free speech?


Well-Known Member
That was not obama, also what did clear channel communications due for free speech?
You didnt get what I ment by the 1st 1, it wasn't placing any blame on him it was if you make remarks about him then your busted, my bad for not being more clear.

Clear Channel Comm??? Got any links¿
Never heard of it, not that I have even close to heard enough about it all so please enlighten me there Bud.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
What?= Clear channel communications, Fined and cut out free speech, when there owners decided a certain someone was out of line on the Radio, Millions in fines,,,Yea Taxes suck,,,Fines Suck more,,Howard stern,,Spoke out against Mr Bushes war and was basically ousted, but He won in the end, 1st ammendment Freedom of speech,,,I'd play the Matallica video for you but I have dial up lol. and your avitar looks like something from 1984,,,what's up with that?


Well-Known Member
What?= Clear channel communications, Fined and cut out free speech, when there owners decided a certain someone was out of line on the Radio, Millions in fines,,,Yea Taxes suck,,,Fines Suck more,,Howard stern,,Spoke out against Mr Bushes war and was basically ousted, but He won in the end, 1st ammendment Freedom of speech,,,I'd play the Matallica video for you but I have dial up lol. and your avitar looks like something from 1984,,,what's up with that?
well it's something in the gov way and they will soon reckon with it, they are doing other things, this is nothing.

I found my avatar doing a google search for something cant even remember now, its actually used in a few other pics, it had something below it, Ill see if I can find the orginal.... I just thought it was a good one, us good americans have been brainwashed into thinking we don't have to... THINK for ourselves.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/be a good american/jlpeezworld/propaganda_dontthink.jpg

LOL look at the bottom I never noticed what it said.



Well-Known Member
Beck is funny.
He is a stand up comic you know.
But he makes good points most of the time.
Still he is probably "Project Mockingbird"
so take his endorcements with a grain of salt.

Judge Andrew Napalitono now he hits it dead on,
without the sneakers and M&Ms.
He needs his own TV show.

Still can't hardly bring myself to watch any "news"
I would rather watch cartoons then be pulling my hair out.
Man are you misinformed. He spends at least 2/3 of his program bashing everything Obama. Maybe you should watch it more often. I used to watch him religiously when his agenda was mostly about illegals, but he has turned in the last few months. He is now just another right wing deuschebag pundit. He will be welcomed with open arms at FAUX.
Well it's better to be a "right wing deuschebag pundit" than a used Kotex sucking liberal.