what ya think roll it family ???

dwc bucket system-1000w hps,465cfm inline vent fan with odorsok(i know),3 18w & 1 48w cfl,-fertz-gh 3 part series,epsom salt occasionally(for magnesium), & superthrive,-bagseed grown from september till now 10-11 wks,-trying to switch over to flowering so tds is 792 down from 1100-900 ph stays between 5.50 to 6.80 had to use aphone to take the pics so they are kind of crappy...my ? is i have some curling leaves(very few)- 2 leaves with white spots- what could it be and how do i combat this....I also want to know should i prune this plant it very bushy and about 3+ ft high



Active Member
dwc bucket system-1000w hps,465cfm inline vent fan with odorsok(i know),3 18w & 1 48w cfl,-fertz-gh 3 part series,epsom salt occasionally(for magnesium), & superthrive,-bagseed grown from september till now 10-11 wks,-trying to switch over to flowering so tds is 792 down from 1100-900 ph stays between 5.50 to 6.80 had to use aphone to take the pics so they are kind of crappy...my ? is i have some curling leaves(very few)- 2 leaves with white spots- what could it be and how do i combat this....I also want to know should i prune this plant it very bushy and about 3+ ft high
i no this dude - that is 1 big ass plant lol ! good luck -looks overwatered but just a guess :)

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
wow..that plant is super bushy. It looks great, I wouldn't worry too much about the leaves curling down, I've read that some strains just do that. If they curl up it can be a MG deficiency, but you would see other signs. The white spots don't sound that serious, I would just keep an eye on them. You might want to keep your PH a little more steady, in my experience, they don't respond well to fluctuations. I've had spotted leaves from ph imbalances before.
wow..that plant is super bushy. It looks great, I wouldn't worry too much about the leaves curling down, I've read that some strains just do that. If they curl up it can be a MG deficiency, but you would see other signs. The white spots don't sound that serious, I would just keep an eye on them. You might want to keep your PH a little more steady, in my experience, they don't respond well to fluctuations. I've had spotted leaves from ph imbalances before.
thank you both this is my first time.....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
looks like a little heat issue on a couple leaves , 1k hps and your other lights , unless your worried about height i would just let them grow ,thats just me looking sweet...rob


Active Member
thank you both this is my first time.....
Thats what she said..............:lol:

Yeah looks good buddy. With 1000 w though you could have a few more plants, next time. Im use GH but use the Lucas formula, its made up for marijuana and works damn well for me and its so simple. Look up "ask lucas" on google. You probably dont need the cfls with 1000w hps either. Someone mentioned overwatering....well youre growing hydro so you cant overwater. The only thing I can think of is oxygen deprivation? What kind of pump are you running and are you getting tons of bubbles? I just upgraded pumps and my plants really love all the bubbles. Good luck man!
thnx rob and tex for your input. i use a 3.2l active aqua air pump in a 3 gallon bucket. it came as a kit from my local hydro shop for 20.00 with a bag of hydroton. it does preety good being as thou this is my first time growing and i'm learning(thnx to yall). my closet set up is really not the best i don't even have it closed off and i need to get my intake fan. that's why ii didn't get a good strain yet so i could increase my knowledge before i go out spending alot of money. i have a question ....do you think it could be spider mites....


Active Member
i wouldn't prune that thing man, its beautiful leave it alone, flower that bitch and put up some pics of the buds you get, pretty good for a $20 kit congrats
thnx rob ounce again,my man tex and chopper for sliding through. ounce i get into my flowering mode i will keep you posted on how the buds are brewing