Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

haha, if you ate one of my hash cookies, you'd be lost in the high guaranteed!
as to the nonalcoholic drink, extract it with glycerin to make tincture, then mix that into w/v you want!

If it's not a secret, I'd appreciate that recipe, brother!
Hit me on my thread, 'Mego.

Glyceryn. I'm on it!

(sorry bout the highJacked thread Cruiz:sad:)
No jack bro, just info.

But thats a good point, I didnt think of my tolerance. It's up there.

Yea, I will follow at your thread. NP.
I got a sweet toothe though, If I am gonna eat it I want brownies.

I will have to wait untill I try it again with leaf cause I used what I had left and made bubble hash out of it. Got a few grams. Its all good.

Actually I ate two more on an empty stomach and I did feel it some.
Like butterflies in the stomach and I got a rush where I saw more colors then usual when I am buzzed. Its cool, I'm really not into big time spacing out anyway.
New Genetics
Looks like we got new blood for the cabinet grow.

A friend of mine hooked me up with the bomb. Green Crack.
From what I've read it's been around a while but not available in seed, only clones. Its Skunk #1 and an afganie and has just what I have been looking for. A short plant, fruity taste, good yield and flowers in seven weeks. Heres a shot of the girls.


These girls were rooted in an ezcloner and just transferred to soil. They were treated with floramite a few days ago. I am going to re pot them into larger pots (black gold soil) and veg them a bit, then take some clones. I have heard they dont clone easy so I will try it with a couple and if successful I will harvest both into clones. If not I will keep them as mothers and keep trying.

Just about all of those PK have rooted.
I dont know what I am going to do with them now. Good thing is I found I could take them real small like that. But I am thinkin they gotta go. Its time to trim the bottom of the aero grow and I am gonna have a bunch of TW cuttings for the floro cab.

Well, lets see how many I get first. I really only want cuttings from one of them.
Right on. I love new genetics. :) Never tried Green Crack. Will need a full smoke report in 3 months. Looks like your cab is just chugging right along as well. How far out is your flouro cab from done?

Love your style. :-D
I never tried it either, hear its good though. I was looking at that blue Mystic but then a friend came across these and I couldn't pass it up. Flower in 45 days. I gotta see this. I guess thats why they call it Crack. Definitely gonna be in the journal.

Yea the floro cab is at about 450 ppm this week. its 9 weeks now and we are pretty much done. Gonna leech the nutes out this weekend with clearex for 24 hours then flush.

Thanks man.
Lookin good cruzer, i make space brownies with butter i find it is easier and works well, the whole allergy thing sucks. I am going to try the whole fridge separation method when the girls are done, oh and to make ur hash do you use bubble bags or another method, was thinking of just shelling out for them but if there is a way just as effective i am all ears. And the Green Crack I have had before i was couch locked for an hour after, had a nice bright green color to it with lots of orange hairs, and crystalled like a mofo!
Awesome, Cruiser!
I've never seen Green Crack on the vine, so to speak. I took~on a couple nuggs a few weeks ago. Don't remember how it looks or smokes but I remember I dug it's effect.
...that's good:)

"Skunk #1 and an afganie"I dunno' nuttin' 'bout doz.(duh) That Sativa doms? (Uneducated guess from your clone pic.)
do you use bubble bags or another method, was thinking of just shelling out for them but if there is a way just as effective i am all ears. And the Green Crack I have had before i was couch locked for an hour after, had a nice bright green color to it with lots of orange hairs, and crystalled like a mofo!

Awesome info thanks.

Yea I have a set of knock-off bubble bags I got on ebay for like $75 shipped.
I looked at the real ones and didnt see much difference. I'm happy with these. I got 5 bags in the set with a pressing screen to dry it. 220,150,75,50,20 are the mesh counts. I get most trich heads from the 75 and 50 micron screen.

We got like 6 or seven grams out of leaf and trim/small buds.
Just leaf and you get like 2 or 3 grams a batch

Well, so far its better then cookin the shit. Makes great hash.
Temps 77 res 66°
PPMs 600 PH 5.5

Again the ph dropping... Hum. anyway didnt top off, set ph to 5.7

I got under the screen and took some cuttings today. Mostly Train wreck from the one on the left. took a few PK also, well kept them. Never know I might loose what I got.

whatever. I cant throw anything away. Pics.


I got pots and soil for the green crack in the back row. They have already rooted. I will get them in those pots in a couple days.

I got the cuttings all under a larger dome now and I got the seedling heat mat under it. last I checked root temp was 69°


The small pk that has rooted, I moved them into these containers. I added water to the bottom of the tray to help them out. Keep it a bit more humid in there.


And the Green Crack in the back.


I will be keeping the dome on for at least a few days.


I cut a slit in the insulation I got glued to the wall and slid the stand for the PH meter in there. Holds it pretty good.


Heres a shot of the girls after there trim.



I figure I am gonna need more space and set up the lower cab again, I fixed the blue leds and put my DIY cloner off to the side for now.


This is at 18/6 and ready to go right now but it is a little cool down here this time of year. After they get started I will move them.

whatsup cruz... I'm toking on some 20nm bubble hash right now, feeling very positive and totally ripped.

i like the new clones, maybe just for their aesthetics. hey, with all those clones you could just plant them like Johnny Appleclone, all over the place... or on the roof, I dunno. I always hate throwing clones away.

I'm also interested to see what becomes of your green crack, it may just become your go-to strain. but it'll be awhile till we see any GC buds... :peace:
Hey Cruzer...I have been lurking here since before your first harvest and am very impressed by your seemingly trouble free cabs. I am looking at setting up 2 cabs similar to what you have with some differences. I am trying to get back into growing after some years of raising a kid and not having the freedom to grow. Anyway I think I might do an ebb and flow tray with one cab 400 hps and one floro w a mother and clone area. I have fans that I will mount to vent the cabs but my question is about venting the room where the cabs sit. I know that you have yours vented from under the house but I live in CO and it gets very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer so I dont think straight outside venting will do much for me except in spring and fall. So I am thinking I might need to put an in and out fan on different walls of the room. I know this isn't the best cause my house will be sharing air with my grow area. In the winter will my furnace create enough CO2. IDK. Well any thoughts are appreciated.

Cant wait to see the green crack. I am looking at Jilly Bean. Ever grow any?
hey, with all those clones you could just plant them like Johnny Appleclone, all over the place

I'm also interested to see what becomes of your green crack, it may just become your go-to strain. but it'll be awhile till we see any GC buds... :peace:

Ha!@Phreakies "Johnny Appleclone"!

Lookin' awesome Cruiser. And FULL!

Any room at the inn?

"Jonny Appleclone" LOL :clap:

Yea as far as the Green Crack Buds it will be a while, Probably end of December before I have any room at the inn. Then another eight weeks, so figure end of Feburary.
I have fans that I will mount to vent the cabs but my question is about venting the room where the cabs sit. I know that you have yours vented from under the house but I live in CO and it gets very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer Well any thoughts are appreciated.

Cant wait to see the green crack. I am looking at Jilly Bean. Ever grow any?

Hi Mojo,

Always willing to share my thoughts, ok so you are dealing with extreme temps eh?
Well I believe there is no better ventilation then what I got setup. So building on that, What you could do is put a small personal heater under the flower shelf where your intake is, and heat it in the winter before it reaches the plants. I am thinking that along with the heat from your lamp will keep them toasty. With the exhaust on a thermostat it wont vent during lights out and stay warm enough. Run lights at night will help even out the temp too.

As far as keeping the intake for your ventilation indoors it is doable, I dont know how much co2 your heater puts out but it cant be much. Safety reasons and all. You probably put out as much just breathing the air. Thats my guess. You wouldnt want to add co2 if you are exhausting into your living area. I am sure there will be enough for the plants to survive. Just maybe not do as well.

Another thing is you can use the exhaust to heat the room. The only thing is the air will be very humid from the plants. I tried it and got condensation on the ceiling in a 12 by 20 room. You may need a dehumidifier if you try that.

Well thats my 2 cents,
Congrats on getting the kid out. lol
Lots of kids live with there parents nowadays and cant afford to live on there own. Good Job.


No, I havent tried Jilly bean.
First I have heard of it.
I think I will try to keep my intake indoors to start with then the temps will stay pretty constant from the climate control in the house. Odor control will be a must. I would love to live with the smell but visitors might raise an eyebrow. lol. Humidity should be easy for me keep down, it is very dry here. What temp do you set your exhaust thermostat at?

Jilly bean is a subcool strain with a very upbeat high, I prefer that to couchlock, and a citrus flavor. I love the smoke but not sure about yields and flower times. Guess there's 1 way to find out.

Thanks for the input.
Green Crack.

Here's some hearsay info I found on the Green Crack strain.

Looking at yours and PhreakyGoats clones, my bloodshots see a Sativa dom... I dunno.

Here's the quoted hearsay I found on another forum....

"SKunk #1 crossed with an unknown indica male in athens georgia in 1989 made by CecilC originally named Cush. Re-named Green Crack by a grower named Bunz in southern California supposedly after snoop dog called it green crack."

"The green crack clone most certainly is not the same clone as the Purple Kush. Also as far as Purple Kush goes there are a few different clones all called purple kush. I personally have never grown any of them except for the Purple Indica clone which Pacific used to call the Purple G clone. The Purple Indica was said to be the original Purple Kush clone by allot of old heads in seattle and down in humbolt. There are two other clones that I've seen circulating in southern california being called purple kush, so who really knows. However I do know all there is to know about the green crack and definatly is not purple kush. There are tons of info and pictures around the internet of her. I know of a bunch of folks over at icmag that I gave her to. I do believe the skunk #1 was from the SSSC. The male was just a local strain indica strain that they were just calling kush. However Cecil did not want to call it Kush because of the cali catch phrase and did not want his creation to be misrepresented as a true plant originating in the hindu kush area."

Caveat:Just because they say it with authority doesn't make it true.

Hope it helps, mang.
I posted it on Phreakies thread as well.
What temp do you set your exhaust thermostat at?

Jilly bean is a subcool strain with a very upbeat high, I prefer that to couchlock, and a citrus flavor. I love the smoke but not sure about yields and flower times. Guess there's 1 way to find out.

Thanks for the input.

I set it at about 80 85° seems to work well. summer temps are in the high eighties and winter high seventies.

Yea, its really the only way to find out how it would do in your setup, to grow it. For me it takes three grows. 1st to see if I can do it and to see how much nutrient they can take, second try I fine tune the grow to the plant and by the third time I got it right.
Green Crack.

Here's some hearsay info I found on the Green Crack strain, my bloodshots see a Sativa dom... I dunno.

Here's the quoted hearsay I found on another forum....

Thanks man, yea I found that too. Thanks for saving me the time posting.
I knew I could count on you. :wink:
