Well-Known Member
Hey Cr5ftw. Love your Z06. Is that your's on the track? My wife and I had two. Still have one, 2003 stock. I would love to put turbo's on it one day. Peace.
what about the guests he has on? i tune into shows like that to see what other folks say, not so much to see what beck would sayAnything that psychopath does is littered with credibility gaps, big ones.
yah your right man i have noticed that...It's funny that people don't talk about the things he says, rather things about him.
plz show me everything he has lied about....
Hey bastard, what's your point?
Yup.Jon Stewart Rocks. He nails the liberal viewpoint better than any news show. Go Jon.
Your not highJon Stweart's not even funny. He's the joke if you ask me.
I'm ALWAYS high.Your not high
Bastard I think you are officially the angriest black
You are probably not the most well informed person if you get your news from Jon Stewart.