PC bagseed grow~christmas weed


Well-Known Member
i agree... i just need to find a good spot i guess... i do have all winter, so who knows... i have a couple of ideas, but we will see... i may end up with a couple spots and try them out to see what spot survives the season... the only thing is that the next season i will have to find all new spots... it just seems that outdoor yeild is ridiculous compared to in door... so it is prolly worth a shot...


Well-Known Member
The location of your grow is for sure priority number one. I've been screwed over to many times with my grow spots not working out.

Ski, how much / often have you been feeding your plants lately?


Well-Known Member
Timbo they got fed last night alot, square took it very well. Cirlce pot has some more yellowing on leaves, but thats because of a branch i broke off while tieing her down, Its healing and will make a full recovery. On a brigher note holy fuck thats alot of crystals.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Timbo they got fed last night alot, square took it very well. Cirlce pot has some more yellowing on leaves, but thats because of a branch i broke off while tieing her down, Its healing and will make a full recovery. On a brigher note holy fuck thats alot of crystals.bongsmilie
Nice nice. Cant wait to see em again!


Well-Known Member
jus remember that the sun will shine different in the summer in some spots that mite shade in summer and not winter ya kno and cant wait for some pics bro mhmmm lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, i got you on that, but i have read that even partial sun, or sun on a cloudy day, is better than any indoor light... assuming your not pushing 1k watts or more... but i dont even think that 1k watts of hps can touch the sun... i guess i wont know till i try...


Well-Known Member
I promise ill take pictures tommorrow haha, they are really starting to put on the weigth and trichs! They are starting to yellow a bit on the lower leaves some more, but im not too worried. It looks like another 3 weeks or so until chop.


Well-Known Member
looking very nice. i'll be keeping an eye on you. hope it goes well, I'm trying my first micro and this should be interesting. keep us posted, update when you can!


Well-Known Member
lol yeah well the sun is suppossed to be 10,000 lumens per sq foot 7000 per is bout what most have, its decent lol abd ill find some stuff on it but morning sun is more benificial that late afternoon sun guess thatd depend where ya at and what not

but damn i wanna see the ladies haha


Well-Known Member
lol yeah well the sun is suppossed to be 10,000 lumens per sq foot 7000 per is bout what most have, its decent lol abd ill find some stuff on it but morning sun is more benificial that late afternoon sun guess thatd depend where ya at and what not

but damn i wanna see the ladies haha
natural sunlight is much more rich than artificial light. think about it. you are SIMULATING the sun. it's like asking for a pokemon game and getting digimon
it's alright, but not as good

and the light from dawn until around 3pm is best. atleast here where i am it is. thats when you stop getting tanned by the sun, because of how much weaker it is


Well-Known Member
good info to remember.. plant them in a spot that gets alot of sun from sunrise to about 3 or so... kool... now where are those piks?????


Well-Known Member
exactly rite the sun is richer(more powerful?)thats when sqft comes in you gotta think what a square foot is its pretty small area the sun actually puts out huge amounts of light billions times more than 10,000 lumens thats jus a concentration number of 1 square foot of course thats perfect light conditions on a clear sunny day at the best ozone levels clear solar winds,

and yes were recreating mother earth but the reason the lights have to be a certain distances from the plant you hear closers better its because of pentraition values of the light the more light travels it degragdes so the better the concentration values are equal to the best light possible ..... you get over that and you start bleaching plant life and heat is built up thats when airflow comes in, thats for another time but basically the only difference is the scale if you had the amount of light the sun put out in a closet itd be like looking into pandoras box freakin burn your eyes out bright thats the point of scale your max output of your lights is appropiate for the scale of your area easier to say haha


Well-Known Member
gotcha, so nothing beats the sun, and the more lights the better with indoor, just heat and circulation need to be considered...


Well-Known Member
yeah pretty much. don't get me wrong, I've read plenty of grow logs of incredible few-light fluoro grows, but outdoor if planted in a great place will sometimes produce you with pounds. if planting outdoors you have to take into mind the seasonal axis shift and reposition of the sun. I'm sure you know the sun hits different areas. realize that in the winter and fall there are a lot less leaves on the trees and that in the spring when fresh growth occurs, the canopy will be much thicker and more impenetrable.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could recreate the sun in my box haha.. Id need a hell of a lot more penetration to do that. I cant wait for my outdoor grow now, I have a friend who is growing out some seeds that I have over a hundred of. Its a giant fucking sativa with aton of purple genes so im pretty pumped. Tis gonna be a good summer. But gotta have a great winter first.

I did take pictures but im having trouble uploading them...
Ill try to work it out now so hopefully you can see the change. Its gonna be a huge diff since I havent had pics in awhile. 3 more weeks!!


Well-Known Member
very very nice! they look a little hungry with those yellow leaves but the buds are looking very nice.