Do Americans Owe Service to the Nation?


New Member
Again I stick with my premise, 250 Million dogs, 100 million bones. The rest eat shit. Just because VI is a workaholic and has "Made it" He thinks everyone can do it. Not everyone has the drive or the opportunities that VI had. This arguement that we need to import labor is such bullshit. What needs to happen is the employers need to pay a living wage, then Americans would gladly do the work. We've heard your rags to riches story VI, and look what it has done to you. Made you a selfish old curmudgeon with no heart or soul. A person that thinks everyone that cares about the poverty stricken is pushing communism. I'll take my humanity over his souless miserlyness anytime.
Here's where you make your mistake, Med. I care very deeply about poverty stricken people and I am not a communist ... or even a socialist. I've stated here many times that charity should be on a voluntary basis and not at the point of government's gun. You, on the other hand, are NOT a compassionate person if you think charity should be forced. All you are espousing is that someone has the RIGHT to the production of another, and that's not charity, that's theft. Your idea of charity is immoral, plain and simple.

Closet ...

I agree with what you've said. Hard work is NOT a guarantee of success and never has been. Hey, I used to work for 15 bucks a day paving parking lots with hot asphalt. That was a real ball-buster ... but nothing that would make me close to a "success." So, you're correct ... hard physical work is exactly that ... hard. I used to be of the mindset that one had to earn his living with his back. Then, I had a revelation; working with the mind was the way to go. I got an office job ... and was still broke. ~lol~ After that, I tried a sales job and was just mediocre at it. Then one day, my boss brought in some motivational records (this was before the cassette tape) for the salesmen to listen to. They were by Earl Nightingale and the series was called "Lead The Field." After listening to these records a few times, I finally saw the light. I've never looked back. There is a huge secret to success and that is that you get out of life exactly what you put into it. No more and no less.


PS: Earl Nightingales Lead The Field is available now on CDs. This stuff never goes out of date. Here's a great site to order from if you have a mind to. Eighty bucks for the 6 CD set. Hey, for the price of an eighth of really good dank, you could change yer life! ~lol~


New Member
Here's where you make your mistake, Med. I care very deeply about poverty stricken people and I am not a communist ... or even a socialist. I've stated here many times that charity should be on a voluntary basis and not at the point of government's gun. You, on the other hand, are NOT a compassionate person if you think charity should be forced. All you are espousing is that someone has the RIGHT to the production of another, and that's not charity, that's theft. Your idea of charity is immoral, plain and simple.

Closet ...

I agree with what you've said. Hard work is NOT a guarantee of success and never has been. Hey, I used to work for 15 bucks a day paving parking lots with hot asphalt. That was a real ball-buster ... but nothing that would make me close to a "success." So, you're correct ... hard physical work is exactly that ... hard. I used to be of the mindset that one had to earn his living with his back. Then, I had a revelation; working with the mind was the way to go. I got an office job ... and was still broke. ~lol~ After that, I tried a sales job and was just mediocre at it. Then one day, my boss brought in some motivational records (this was before the cassette tape) for the salesmen to listen to. They were by Earl Nightingale and the series was called "Lead The Field." After listening to these records a few times, I finally saw the light. I've never looked back. There is a huge secret to success and that is that you get out of life exactly what you put into it. No more and no less.


PS: Earl Nightingales Lead The Field is available now on CDs. This stuff never goes out of date. Here's a great site to order from if you have a mind to. Eighty bucks for the 6 CD set. Hey, for the price of an eighth of really good dank, you could change yer life! ~lol~
Did nightingales records teach you how to look down on people that are not the workaholic types. Did he preach it's all about the money. Did he tell you to be a selfish curmudgeon with no compassion because these people were beneath your status. I'll bet you thought that shit up all on your own. That right to anothers production number really doesn't quite cut it VI. A compasionate society, (Like Canada was before this new leader) values its citizens and provides services to make their life better. They dont start unilateral wars to make the corporations richer. They don't give massive tax breaks to the people that can afford it the most. They actually have a plan that considers every member of the society and helps those that need help. Your Privatize America plan would turn over our country to the likes of Enron, Global crossing, Adelphia etc. All real good examples of the corporate mindset. I've got mine, fuck you!


New Member
Did nightingales records teach you how to look down on people that are not the workaholic types. Did he preach it's all about the money. Did he tell you to be a selfish curmudgeon with no compassion because these people were beneath your status. I'll bet you thought that shit up all on your own. That right to anothers production number really doesn't quite cut it VI. A compasionate society, (Like Canada was before this new leader) values its citizens and provides services to make their life better. They dont start unilateral wars to make the corporations richer. They don't give massive tax breaks to the people that can afford it the most. They actually have a plan that considers every member of the society and helps those that need help. Your Privatize America plan would turn over our country to the likes of Enron, Global crossing, Adelphia etc. All real good examples of the corporate mindset. I've got mine, fuck you!
Actually, no Med. Nightingale's records taught me that the only boss we ever have is the customer. Our entire income, our job security and our wealth creation depends upon the customer and our ability to satisfy his/her needs. Nightingale taught me that honest dealings were one of the most important things in traveling the road to customer satisfaction. Nightingale taught me to always give my employer more than he was paying me for. Nightingale taught me that my most important job as an employee was to produce a profit for my employer to allow the doors to be open in the morning. Nightingale taught me to always insure that my work performance placed me in the top 20% of the work force, thereby ensuring my survival of the layoff cycles. Nightingale taught me to become so valuable to my employer that he would be in fear of my leaving for greener pastures ... thereby ensuring my regular raises. Nightingale taught me to be at work every day and on time. Nightingale taught me to treat the janitor working in the business with just as much respect as I treated the CEO ... and why? ... because that's the way we SHOULD be treating each other. And I don't mind saying that that is a point you could take a lot from.


PS: Med ... I suggest that you buy a set of Nightingale's "Lead The Field." You'll find a lot of answers to your disatisfaction in them.


New Member
Actually, no Med. Nightingale's records taught me that the only boss we ever have is the customer. Our entire income, our job security and our wealth creation depends upon the customer and our ability to satisfy his/her needs. Nightingale taught me that honest dealings were one of the most important things in traveling the road to customer satisfaction. Nightingale taught me to always give my employer more than he was paying me for. Nightingale taught me that my most important job as an employee was to produce a profit for my employer to allow the doors to be open in the morning. Nightingale taught me to always insure that my work performance placed me in the top 20% of the work force, thereby ensuring my survival of the layoff cycles. Nightingale taught me to become so valuable to my employer that he would be in fear of my leaving for greener pastures ... thereby ensuring my regular raises. Nightingale taught me to be at work every day and on time. Nightingale taught me to treat the janitor working in the business with just as much respect as I treated the CEO ... and why? ... because that's the way we SHOULD be treating each other. And I don't mind saying that that is a point you could take a lot from.


PS: Med ... I suggest that you buy a set of Nightingale's "Lead The Field." You'll find a lot of answers to your disatisfaction in them.
VI, some of us already knew this without help from nightingale and have practiced it our entire adult lives. It should come with good upbringing and a fair modicum of common sense. I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you over who is more successful. But I'll not be looked down upon by you over who has the most morals or manners. I was not the salesman type, if that makes you feel superior then have at it, just leave your judgement of me out of it.


New Member
VI, some of us already knew this without help from nightingale and have practiced it our entire adult lives. It should come with good upbringing and a fair modicum of common sense. I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you over who is more successful. But I'll not be looked down upon by you over who has the most morals or manners. I was not the salesman type, if that makes you feel superior then have at it, just leave your judgement of me out of it.
You asked me what I learned from Nightingale and I told you. If you find that to be a superior attitude, then so be it. In past posts, you have refered in disparaging ways to your employer and the employer's management team. I doubt very much if you had a positive attitude toward the company. You certainly don't exibit a positive attitude here that's for sure. And you don't talk like a moral person and you have no manners either. So, what is one to think about you Med?



New Member
You asked me what I learned from Nightingale and I told you. If you find that to be a superior attitude, then so be it. In past posts, you have refered in disparaging ways to your employer and the employer's management team. I doubt very much if you had a positive attitude toward the company. You certainly don't exibit a positive attitude here that's for sure. And you don't talk like a moral person and you have no manners either. So, what is one to think about you Med?

As has been said many times, that is your opinion and like assholes everyone has one. Just because I don't agree with your Little Lord Fauntleroy attitude you make assumptions about me that are completely false. What I've learned about the hardcore right is that they are dreamers with their head in the clouds and are not connected to the earth. Your superior attitude does not fare thee well. I suggest that you need to be taken out behind the barn and taught some manners. I would gladly assist in this endeavor. Meanwhile back on earth, the poor are still poor and the rich are still pricks.


New Member
Vi- I appreciate your points but i can't agree with the assumption that is basically: "you can think yourself out of poverty." here's the odd point; you CAN actually, use your brain to get out of poverty. but just like the physically infirmed, there are those who cannot think well enough to get themselves out of poverty. simple as that.

what the governments role in insuring these people get enough food, water and shelter is, i do not know. is the system broke when those getting aid from the government do not have to find a way out? yes. but its very complicated, to say the least.

Med: goddamn, man. i know your intentions are good. the government should have systems in place to care for the poor. fine. but why do have such hate for the rich? I don't mean the rich assholes...everyone hates them. but you seem to hate the rich, just for being rich. this type of attitude has all the markings of irrational bigotry. you're prejudiced. like the asshole whites who hate blacks just because they're black.

search for and read this article called "the millionaire next door". it describes how the majority of millionaires today are ordinary people who are cheap and self-employed and use their money smartly. there is no reason to hate this group. they are not the ruling elite with money AND power. but i can guarantee you that even these rich people, remembering their poor past, hate to have to give compulsory into a system that is broke.


New Member
closet sez ...

"Med: goddamn, man. i know your intentions are good. the government should have systems in place to care for the poor. fine. but why do have such hate for the rich? I don't mean the rich assholes...everyone hates them. but you seem to hate the rich, just for being rich. this type of attitude has all the markings of irrational bigotry. you're prejudiced. like the asshole whites who hate blacks just because they're black.

search for and read this article called "the millionaire next door". it describes how the majority of millionaires today are ordinary people who are cheap and self-employed and use their money smartly. there is no reason to hate this group. they are not the ruling elite with money AND power. but i can guarantee you that even these rich people, remembering their poor past, hate to have to give compulsory into a system that is broke."

Now THAT is a great post! I've recommended "The Millionaire Next Door" to Med in the past too. He won't read it. His mind is slammed shut. He IS an irrational bigot ... and a loud one too. Med is typical of members of the devout church of liberalism. They suffer from the guilt known as class envy. They try to wash away their guilt by lobbying for ever higher taxes and ever expanding government. Their sacrament is the destruction of Man's heart and mind. It never occures to them that the high priests of their religion have caused the murder of over 200 million people over the last century. They have the profound belief that if only given another chance, their doctrine will be successful. What they never realize is that their dogma leads to the road to serfdom and slavery, eventually ending up in The Dark Ages.



Well-Known Member
In Mexico the few plunder the many. All the wealth is held by a few elite families. Here, everyone plunders everyone. In America plunder is an equal opportunity employer. ~lol~
Nice1 Vi. I agree.:mrgreen:


New Member
closet sez ...

"Med: goddamn, man. i know your intentions are good. the government should have systems in place to care for the poor. fine. but why do have such hate for the rich? I don't mean the rich assholes...everyone hates them. but you seem to hate the rich, just for being rich. this type of attitude has all the markings of irrational bigotry. you're prejudiced. like the asshole whites who hate blacks just because they're black.

search for and read this article called "the millionaire next door". it describes how the majority of millionaires today are ordinary people who are cheap and self-employed and use their money smartly. there is no reason to hate this group. they are not the ruling elite with money AND power. but i can guarantee you that even these rich people, remembering their poor past, hate to have to give compulsory into a system that is broke."

Now THAT is a great post! I've recommended "The Millionaire Next Door" to Med in the past too. He won't read it. His mind is slammed shut. He IS an irrational bigot ... and a loud one too. Med is typical of members of the devout church of liberalism. They suffer from the guilt known as class envy. They try to wash away their guilt by lobbying for ever higher taxes and ever expanding government. Their sacrament is the destruction of Man's heart and mind. It never occures to them that the high priests of their religion have caused the murder of over 200 million people over the last century. They have the profound belief that if only given another chance, their doctrine will be successful. What they never realize is that their dogma leads to the road to serfdom and slavery, eventually ending up in The Dark Ages.

Again your unwarranted assumptions about me miss the mark substantially. This shows that you are an opinionated ass. What you know about me could be written on the head of a pin with a piece of chalk. You rant about how I suffrer from guilt and lobby for ever higher taxes, No guilt and I only wish higher taxes on the wealthy. My heart and mind are fine. I have no religion as that is the poison of mankind. I make my peace with my maker in my own way and don't need any organization to tell me stories. Your unmitigateds scorn for people beneath your "stature" is unnerving and downright pitiful. You see the world as the haves and the have nots and fuck the have nots as they are just a bunch of lazy assholes. Most of these millionaires you talk about were the priveledged kids that got the breaks, and most of them are only millionaires because they bought their houses in the 60-70s and they are now worth over a million. My son who has a degree from UCSD can not afford to buy a house in the market you and your criminal buddies have created, I hope you choke on the wealth you derived from raping the real-estate market, It was and is criminals like you that have made it impossible for a first time home buyer to enter the market without sub-prime loans. Take your focus off of me and do a little soul searching, that is if you really have one, I think you long ago sold your soul to the devil. And basically all the above is a polite way of saytng fuck you. You don't know me. I am tired of defending myself against your false assumptions, stick them up your ass.

Closet, I only hate the rich pricks like VI that look down on the rest of society and make them out to be worthless lazy commies. He is against any drain on his wealth to help anyone other than whom he chooses, the "charitable solution" which would never work and he knows it. It is selfish pricks like him that give the rich a bad name. My solution,. TAX the fucking rich bastards as they deserve to be taxed, @ at least twice the rate of the average middle class citizen. Class envy, hell no. I wouldn't hang with those stuffshirt assholes if I were a billionaire, I could find many more amiable people to hang with. I have a pretty good Idea how much of a prick you have to be to get to the top, there are exceptions, but that is the rule.


New Member
"I have a pretty good Idea how much of a prick you have to be to get to the top, there are exceptions, but that is the rule."

This is a losing attitude if I've ever seen one.

"He is against any drain on his wealth to help anyone other than whom he choosesz"

Who better than the individule to determine where his/her charitable contributions should go? Surely you don't think the government can handle money better than the individule, do ya Med? I mean, the government did a great job on Katrina don't cha think? ~lol~

"I hope you choke on the wealth you derived from raping the real-estate market"

Nope, no envy or hate depicted in that post, eh Med?

"My solution,. TAX the fucking rich bastards as they deserve to be taxed"

Yeppers, punish achievement down to the level of the lowest common denominator. Spoken like a good little commie Comrad Med. ~lol~

"It was and is criminals like you that have made it impossible for a first time home buyer to enter the market without sub-prime loans."

On the contrary, Med ... it was the sub-prime loans that made it possible for those who otherwise wouldn't qualify for a loan to get into properties they couldn't afford. Many lied on their applications and had criminal intent from the beginning. This is what drove the real estate prices through the moon. Now the chickens have come home to roost and the deflation we are experiencing in real estate prices, foreclosures and short-pays are the result. Again, we can go to the source for the blame ... faulty monetary policies of the Federal Reserve.
