Hellp please!!!!!extra rep to helpful ppl


Active Member
Okay, my plant is 10 days old today, and it is growing quite fast..but...I have to go to my grandma's birthday party (which is in Wisconsin, I live in Illinois) and I will be gone from Friday to Sunday (I'll be back at around 5pm'ish). I have to go December 12th, so that is about a month from now. But I plan to start flowering it around the time I'm leaving. Do you think my plant will be fine if I just water it a lot before I leave?

I already have a timer so I don't have an light issue.

Thanks RIU for all the help:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Three days should not be a problem. If you're really worried there are auto watering devices available. I'll try to find a link for you.


Active Member
Yeah, I was thinking of getting a auto-watering device, but with Christmas around the corner I don't know if I want to get it if it is too expensive. I dropped like $130 in the past week on growing supplies lol.