The nitrous oxide is on its way...

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, quite fun I'm just hungry as shit. I might just go and spend the last $2 on my bank card on a burger, and also lose my parking... I was lucky as shit to be within 2 blocks of my room, but now I'm too hungry to bear it, and if I don't go eat I'll chainsmoke away the last of my cigarette stash. I have to make it to friday. Friday will be a check of $200 or more. I have to eat and I have to smoke. My two expenses. I'm good on gas for a while, I don't have to drive but 10 blocks to go to work, and I don't drive to class and I don't drive to eat [at the cafteria]... But I have 1 pack of cigs, 2 cigs in the pack I'm carrying now, 5 little cherry cigars, and a small package of zig zag roll your owns. I doubt I make it to friday on that.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I have no idea. It must be done. Or I can ask people for money promising them nitrous after it's arrival. Fuck! I'll be giving away nitrous for cheeseburgers even before it arrives.
Let's say you get paid every two weeks on friday and you get paid $200. Which has to be a shit job if you get paid $400 a month, That's $15 to spend a day. Lets say your the average person and only eat Lunch and Dinner. Lets say you eat Taco Bell, a couple Nacho Crunch burritos and a drink for $5. Then you got a $5 blunt, at least $5 where I'm from, to wind down the day. :-D

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Well the thing is the 25 cigarettes a day budget. I paid cafeteria already but on tues + thurs I'll be working too late to eat cafeteria. I must remember to eat a LOT before working on those days.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
And I can't smoke. Non-smoker here. Plus this will be the biggest check I'll ever get. They gave me a huge burst of hours out of training, now that I know the stuff they're ready to start treating me like shit like all the other employees. 15-18 hours? Fuck that shit I've only got 11 hours of class.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Well you said you normally use the cafeteria. I was just saying you need to have some food as a back up on days when you don't get to the cafeteria before it closes.
Yeah. That's the plan anyways. Just the pure salt/flour mixture of ramen noodles provides little nourishment.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
It also has a good portion of Carbohydrates, Fat, and Calories, which provides energy.
Sounds like a good deal, ha ha. Yeah, this one time we were camping out [meaning getting fucked up beyond all reason] and I had this bag of pulled pork sandwich meat and about 30 packages of ramen noodles. Served the drunk munchies and the weed munchies well. But mostly it was because of the pure salt from the ramen packages replacing the salt the beer took out of us from pissing 6 times an hour.