Well-Known Member
I know its just a link but whatever im loaded this is fucking awesome
prions dont serve to much of a threat, just protein floating around and in some cases can be an infectious agentDude, ever wonder about the possibilities of a prion?
Anyone ever watch the show "The Colony"?
I began thinking of what I would do in a zombie attack after I saw the first Terminator movie with my dad at a drive-in movie theater.
I began thinking about what The Colony would be like if everyone, rather than no one, were alive with no electricity after I realized back in school what happens to our planet when it us pummeled with a large enough solar flare, or EMP.
Things get primal when you take away food and rules from 308 million armed citizens.
why? that gun is CGI (not real)nice gat, although I'd get 10 years for the gun and a year for every bullit.
Wasnt that a good book.The movie would of been way better if they followed the book more but it was still good.Not that many people now that was a book it was just to short though.I read it like 4 times when I was locked up.a zombie take over wouldnt happen unless around 75-80% of the population turned into zombies over night
ie there needs to be an i am legend scenario (no fuck the new movie, i mean the book. in the book an endospore forming bacillus bacteria covered the earth with "dust" and people got sick and died and rose days later)
and then you have to deal with ammo, transportation, food, security, etc.
of course the best thing to do would be to hold up in your basement for 3-5 months. the dead decay quick and by then they wouldnt be functioning (or at least not a huge threat)
Yeah thats a great device for SWAT and all, but[youtube]ENfxqvKoIaE[/youtube]
What happened to you? I noticed your avi was gone yesterday.The future urban environment will be riddled with holes made by these things.
Holes made by occupying soldiers, not zombies.
I clicked on your link and my security software blocked the site and said it was unsafe. WTF man?????[youtube]en16i8BY4hI[/youtube]