Cannabis tea from topped tips?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I've vaguely read from a few other sites that you can create some potent tea from the pruned growing tips from our recently topped or FIM(ed) plants. Although I couldn't find any specific instructions for this method (only with ground up bud) I was wondering if any of you have tried or experimented with this method, or if you even think its possible for immature plants growth tip to have enough THC to even make the tea. Thoughts?

Regards, :joint:



Sector 5 Moderator
I suspect that you could Erik. I think THC is water soluble so it should work fine if you don't boil the water. If you have a lot of trimmings you might also want to consider making hash. I don't know if I could drink pot tea, LOL.


Well-Known Member
i love tea. but i do believe that thc is not water soluble, but fat soluble. so try milk. whole milk i believe.


Sector 5 Moderator
Well it's either water soluble or alcohol soluble; there is no such thing as "fat soluble" Mark. You're probably thinking about vitamins and how some are stored in your fat cells (lipids). Still I'd prefer a cup of camomile tea and a burning bowl of ganja, LOL.


Well-Known Member
It is most definitely FAT soluble. Sorry potpimp, you were wrongfully informed. Do some searching, there is a trick to making some tea, I just forget what it was.


Sector 5 Moderator
Last Thursday night I thought I was going to bankrupt the fridge! Man I was eating ice cream, cheese, apples, chocolate truffles, milk and Oreo's, nuts... just call me porky, LOL. You get baked and do algebra??? My hat's off to you man; I might could pull off 2+2 when I'm really toasted. That chai tea does sound interesting... but I'm still going to stick to the camomile - or the Republic of Tea Chai.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I just got out of class, man. Gotta bake before I go do some algebra!
one college student to another (i assume(please dont make and ass out of me :mrgreen:)) nothing like an hour break and a nice little toke to make the next class that much better. and potpimp. when im baked, i do the same thinggg.. last time i was eating peanut butter, vanilla frosting, and potato chips.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm in college man don't worry. I have a 3 1/2 hour break between my english and algebra class, so its not like I get insanely blitzed and go bang out some quadratic equations lol That would be pretty rough, just gotta have that slight edge if ya know what I mean :blsmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
I always think of the Fat Freddie's cat cartoon where the cat sniffs his catfood and thinks to himself "hmmm... cat food again; I'm not eating this shit". Fat Freddie comes by and sees the cat turning up his nose at the cat food and says "so you don't think you're going to eat that huh?" He picks up the cat, shoves him in a big paper grocery bag, shotguns him, turns him out. He's totally toasted, sees the cat food and eats it like it's the best thing on earth.

sorry for hijacking your tea thread man, LOL.


Active Member
haha a little hijacked but no worries. I'm still a little skeptical that the topped tips would have enough THC to offer during its late veg or early flower stage, even though they say the tip is the most potent part...guess i'll just have to find out.