Does my plant look right?


Well-Known Member
It is 13 day old super lemon haze. The first week was hell, was streching like crazy, and got so bad where i thought i might just start over. But i think she is starting to pull through and looks healthy to me. But im a noob so what do i kno. I have been giving it light 24/7 with one 90 watt ufo (im very disapointed with) and one 68 watt cfl. I have a 150 HPS setup on its way in the mail, so in 1 week hopefully i can switch my lighting to that. Buy as of today, day 13, does she look ok, or way behind?

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Active Member
It is 13 day old super lemon haze. The first week was hell, was streching like crazy, and got so bad where i thought i might just start over. But i think she is starting to pull through and looks healthy to me. But im a noob so what do i kno. I have been giving it light 24/7 with one 90 watt ufo (im very disapointed with) and one 68 watt cfl. I have a 150 HPS setup on its way in the mail, so in 1 week hopefully i can switch my lighting to that. Buy as of today, day 13, does she look ok, or way behind?

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Personally I wouldnt start to use the 150w HPS till flowering or maybe a little during veg. Doesnt look too stretched but it can shoot up over night almost. Just try and make sure you dont overheat them, overkill with nutrients, and be strict on your light regime and you should be good. Are these clones or seed?


Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldnt start to use the 150w HPS till flowering or maybe a little during veg. Doesnt look too stretched but it can shoot up over night almost. Just try and make sure you dont overheat them, overkill with nutrients, and be strict on your light regime and you should be good. Are these clones or seed?
its a feminized seed. I just have the 1 plant, first grow, i was expecting alot more from the ufo, but i think its trash, thats why i ordered the HPS. I would think my plant would like the hps more, even for a little veg time.
She seems to be getting more stalky tho. this is what she looked liek at 1 week
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I was just using the ufo, since then i added the 68 watt cfl, and seems to be doin good. You think its safe for me to start 18 hours on 6 off? Or should i wait for the HPS? And i wonder if i should consider repotting soon, and what is the best way to repot? Dry, wet, or just moist?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
IMO the growth displayed is indicative of high heat levels and low light levels, which makes them stretch much more than they should.

I agree with Kreyonic, just put that ho under a flouro up close until it's about 6-8" tall and then move it under your more powerful light. Putting it under any high power light before it's big enough to handle it will just stress it and potentially kill it.

I would also grow it under flouros and then take clones before putting it under the HID since its your only one and even the best grower prob won't get more than 3 oz's of one plant unless you're outside. I'm sure you want more product than that after spending 3-4 months on your investment...


Well-Known Member
You can put LED lights almost touching your plants cause they produce even less heat than fluorescents. Your seedling stretched like crazy cause it was waaaay too far away from the light.


Well-Known Member
just hang in there til the HPS arrives... i put my 2 week old bag seed seedlings under a 250 watt HPS and they did fine... double to triple growth in the first 5-7 days... Any sooner than two weeks and i'd say it's questionable.. but you're at 13 days, so you should be good... once it arrives, hook it up and let it do it's magic..

that's my two cents...