jealous women- who knows one?


Well-Known Member
well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?


Well-Known Member
Kinda sounds just like my girlfriend. She cheated once and we broke up too. We've been together for 5 years, and most of the jealousy stopped after like 3rd year, but she still gets pissed if i talk to girls.



my girlfriend gets mad if i talk to female friends that i have known far longer than her..

like my best friends, and i just want to smack her

i really hate my girlfriend


well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?
DooD... I was almost in the same place as you last year. Stay away from the psychopaths!!!!


Well-Known Member
well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?




man i feel so sorry for you, i had 2 years of her fucking shit... and i growd marijuana.. afraid to say that i couldnt go big.... cuz of her fucking big fucking shit mouth.

and + evrything you said she did to me aswell, says i should fuck that girl in the shop at the till when we are shopping even in a fucking restaurant.. its pathetic.. i woke up with her talking in my face about... evry day .. im not joking dude.. its gona get worse.. you might do something to her that you will regret.. like punching her lights out screaming i fucking didnt cheat on you, you peace of fucking dumbfuck !

anyways.. i feel you... its a fucking shit situation... anyways...

fuck them... there are so many cool women, im going for porn stars this time... fuck these paranoid people i need a woman that knows shes the boss when she fucks me... she knows ill be watching a porn movie on my cell while going to work. :P

haha she knows i love her.. some women will never have that feeling no matter what the fuck you give em .. or how much u love em.. there will allways be that seed of doubt in them locos..

sorry for going crazy... just realy fuck my ex !

u cockd my life up for 2 years... Arghhh !

so many friends lost... so many plants lost :(


In my years of existance I have come up with 2 rules that I live by no matter what LOL only one of which is applicable here...

Rule No. 1 - No liquer from Mason Jars LOL long story

Rule No. 2 - Relationship and Bipolar woman do not belong in the same sentance no matter what!!! Regardless of how amazing the head she gives is !!


Well-Known Member
Tell her to shut up or you'll quit wearing deodorant. I smell more often than not now. She hates it.


Well-Known Member
The short answer is, you can't change her. Drop that bitch like a hot potato.

The problem is, she is most likely cheating on you, so she feels you must be cheating on her. She doesn't understand the concept of a healthy relationship.

Don't ever let a bitch put you on a chain man.


The short answer is, you can't change her. Drop that bitch like a hot potato.

The problem is, she is most likely cheating on you, so she feels you must be cheating on her. She doesn't understand the concept of a healthy relationship.

Don't ever let a bitch put you on a chain man.
Exactly... I couldn't get it through my crazy psycho ex`s head that I was only talking to my sons mom because I felt it was healthy for my son. I told her if she didn't like it she could go fist herself cause my son comes first. When we finally broke up the effin whore tried to screw with my head for another 6 months...


well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?
Your girlfriend seems to have some deep insecurity issues. You wont be able to change her, trust me.. if I were you I'd make a dash for the nearest exit before she drags you down into insanity with her.


Well-Known Member
yeah in a way all of you are right. family and friends who see her every day say she needs meds. she was on meds before and it was crazy. when she was on her meds she was nice and easy to talk to and would listen. she was fun to be around and everything she isnt now. for the last 2 months ive been pounding in her head (not literally)to get back on her meds. she took wellbutrin. i guess its for people with bi-polar. but it was the best thing in my life. and its really hard just to pack up in leave as i have children with her and it would be even worst if i did that. she does seem more jealous than insecure. i also beleive from her cheating on me shes worried about paybacks. thats why i think she tries to keep me on a short leash. how can i convince her to get on meds again? shes very stubborn and have tried everything i can think of short of hog tying her and dragging her to the doctor

naked gardener

Active Member
man, it sounds like you really care about her and your family--but what everyone has said is true--it probably will just get worse unless she gets back on those meds. Why did she stop taking them? She apparently is suffering too--to be so jealous and even wake up acting like that (that is what you said, right?)

Do your children see her behave this way and see you two suffer and fight over it? While a family splitting is never easy on a child---neither is day to day misery in their home.
Extreme and unwarrented jealousy does tend to stem from insecurity (imo) and to add bi-polar to it--well, yeah, not fun for anyone. If she is so jealous of what you may be thinking about or doing w or other females that co-exist in you area--it's bc either she knows she's been a monster and that you deserve better--and is scared you may realize it, the "payback" thing, or it's bc of her own impure thoughts and feelings, again, of dissatisfaction w herself--There is nothing you can do but tell her to take her meds for the sake of your family or she will find her miserable little world in an upheaval.

that's my take--good luck--i have a friend who has been married twice bc she acted a lot like that--she is divorced again--but has finally learned some lessons and accepted herself and has been on meds for almost a year--a much happie and more down to earth person these days. again--good luck


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't have gotten back together with her after she cheated on you, especially if she cheated on you with friends or family (which is shitty on their part for allowing it to even happen with one of them)... and it sounds like she has a guilty conscience. find someone else and just drop her dude! because it's not going to stop, you guys are just on two different levels


Well-Known Member
yeah her cheating on me scarred me big time. but im just tryin to do whats best as a whole and not just me. yeah shes dragging me down in a way but its ok. i care about her. i been with her since high school. we are goin on ten years or close to it. i want to record her with a video and play it back for her when shes not pissed. see it from another persons perspective. ive had friends who told me they wouldnt come back to my house unless she wasnt there. all my friends seen she was crazy long time ago. another problem is if i leave it will be very hard to start by myself. car house and shit is in her name cuz i lost my license from getting arrested. so if i leave i leave with the clothes on my back. and if i leave i loose my job cuz i work for her dad. so i would literally have shit and its not something i want to face. plus i do love her. im just puzzled over her getting back on meds. i guess i can spike her food for now on lol