JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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True Stoner

Active Member
As i walk through the font door i can see Boneman sipping on his black bowl of Black Widow so i take a seat on the table beside him and ordered up some sweet Sour D please and also my lungs are sore from smoking an ounce of Arjans Haze the other day so do you have a vapourizer as well??


Well-Known Member
As i walk through the font door i can see Boneman sipping on his black bowl of Black Widow so i take a seat on the table beside him and ordered up some sweet Sour D please and also my lungs are sore from smoking an ounce of Arjans Haze the other day so do you have a vapourizer as well??
<Points to the three Volcanoes at the various spots in the coffee shop.>

If you brought a roasting bag you're all set. If not, we offer them here.

JohnnyO's sells Volcanoes and Volcano accessories.

Sour Diesel - Excellent choice!


Well-Known Member
OJ would have done me good last week but I am over my cold now. I think it would ruin the flavor of the BW and french onion soup. Hey TS, pull up a chair bro. Just dont hack up a lung my way :hump:


Well-Known Member
Johnny-O, My arm spontaneously set itself aflame! Does the store have an ointment for that in it's first aid box? By the way, I think it's still on fire.~ While we're solving this problem, if anyone has joints to light, use my arm. While I'm waiting I might as well get something to drink.
Can I get a coffee, half hot chocolate 6 cream 2 sugar? Also, AAHRHGHG! thanks.


Well-Known Member
Johnny-O, My arm spontaneously set itself aflame! Does the store have an ointment for that in it's first aid box? By the way, I think it's still on fire.~ While we're solving this problem, if anyone has joints to light, use my arm. While I'm waiting I might as well get something to drink.
Can I get a coffee, half hot chocolate 6 cream 2 sugar? Also, AAHRHGHG! thanks.
Too bad about the combustible arm. I'll grab the first aid kit.



Well-Known Member
sadly, i have failed at quitting smoking nasty ass cigs.
after bearing the brunt of a nasty temper tantrum from a nicotine craving I was having, my old lady went out a bought me a carton.
i was weak :(
soon tho.... at least i quit chain smoking. before the last attempt at quitting i was burning 2 packs a day, now i am down to less than half a pack a day.
hopefully i can continue to 'ween' myself off of the shit, but nicotine is a real bastard to come off of. i didnt sleep for 3 days in a row this last time, and was a real bastard to be around.
nicorette is a joke too... as soon as you learn to stomach the nasty taste you just start craving the gum instead of the cigs, and im leery of chantix. it took me 10 years to get all of the 'risky behavior' out of my system, now that my life is somewhat on track the last thing i need is to be on a drug that makes me crazy lol... talk about being between a rock and a hard place lol.
sad part about the whole affair is i truly detest smoking cigs. the smell on my clothes and hands, dirty ashtrays, just the smell of tobacco smoke in general is gross, and i think its amazing how my dependance on nicotine manages to overcome those revolting things about cigs that i cant stand. ironic i suppose.
bowing in to peer pressure when i was a kid was no doubt the single most dumbest thing i ever did, if only foresight was as sharp as hindsight i wouldnt be in this mess!
moral of the story is this, kiddies-
when they say you shouldnt start smoking cigarettes, you should listen.
just trust me on that one.


Well-Known Member
sadly, i have failed at quitting smoking nasty ass cigs.
after bearing the brunt of a nasty temper tantrum from a nicotine craving I was having, my old lady went out a bought me a carton.
i was weak :(
soon tho.... at least i quit chain smoking. before the last attempt at quitting i was burning 2 packs a day, now i am down to less than half a pack a day.
hopefully i can continue to 'ween' myself off of the shit, but nicotine is a real bastard to come off of. i didnt sleep for 3 days in a row this last time, and was a real bastard to be around.
nicorette is a joke too... as soon as you learn to stomach the nasty taste you just start craving the gum instead of the cigs, and im leery of chantix. it took me 10 years to get all of the 'risky behavior' out of my system, now that my life is somewhat on track the last thing i need is to be on a drug that makes me crazy lol... talk about being between a rock and a hard place lol.
sad part about the whole affair is i truly detest smoking cigs. the smell on my clothes and hands, dirty ashtrays, just the smell of tobacco smoke in general is gross, and i think its amazing how my dependance on nicotine manages to overcome those revolting things about cigs that i cant stand. ironic i suppose.
bowing in to peer pressure when i was a kid was no doubt the single most dumbest thing i ever did, if only foresight was as sharp as hindsight i wouldnt be in this mess!
moral of the story is this, kiddies-
when they say you shouldnt start smoking cigarettes, you should listen.
just trust me on that one.
Don't beat yourself up.

I am told nicotine is harder to kick than heroin.

1/2 pack a day down from two is pretty damn good.

Celebrate your victories as they come.


Well-Known Member
Brock Sampson is the fucking MAN. I wish I could find a clip of it, but one of my favorite moments is when he's saving the boys from that crazy chick claiming to be their mom. He stands in the middle of the road, looking like he's getting ready to do some martial arts shit from the way he's posed, then she rushes him with the car and he just falls backwards through the windshield and lands in the driver I said, he's the fucking MAN.
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