WHATS UP MAN HOWS THE BUD HOW LONG U KEEPIN IT IN THE JARS FOR? PICS?14" and 8" tall roughly super small for vegged outdoor that long
sounds great man cant wait to see!!!whats up bro well it came out to fill a jar and a half dry ive smoked a couple nugs and im lovin em lil bit much on the couch lock side but thats okayy but if ya got somethin to do its planty of focus and get it done power...... ill take some pics and get em up they look good tho hehe
looks tasty manokay thanks to howak reminding me so i grabbed some quick pic(on my phone) on my down time from work ( stupid osha hahaha) so heres whats left ive smoked prolly 4 nugs like the smaller ones and like i dsaid before its a real get at ya high but enjoyable too
im gonna try and get a better close up with the camera but im no photographer tho anyone kno what they use to get those really nice pics ???
i think it was 292w and yeah it was a good as hell wish i had more lol they got stunted really bad in veg so it set em back but i had to go small this one had my third female show got one that hadnt and a couple clones that im hoping it works lol yeah the thing everyone got riled up about that he was cloning leaves to see if it can be done he found out that yes it can grow roots he actually does kno alot of shit but the quote was what he said to some dude askin for rep and we were all on him bout it that aint rite IMOwhat up homie.. yeah real nice turn out for ya... i just noticed you quoted woomeister... i read his whole thread about rooting from fan leaf... it was ridiculouly long with no productive results besides you can root a fan leaf and it will still be fan leaf, unless the fan leaf has a mutation to which it does grow bud, you would have to return the leaf to 24 hours of lite, veg then flower.. basically it was pointless... anyways homie, that shit looked really good.. what was your total wattage? around 300 i think... not bad... i think i will have around 420 watts of cfl this grow when i decide to flower...