Conservatives seem more like radicals than conservatives


Well-Known Member
I think its really interesting how much fear Beck and Palin are striking into the hearts of the socialist/communist/fascists among us. :lol:

Palin has become an amazing lightening rod...attracting all sorts of frothing anger and vituperative snide criticism and vitriol.
She evokes abject fear in the hearts of the left.
I wonder why they are so petrified of this lightweight dim-bulb.


Well-Known Member
Palin has become an amazing lightening rod...attracting all sorts of frothing anger and vituperative snide criticism and vitriol.
She evokes abject fear in the hearts of the left.
I wonder why they are so petrified of this lightweight dim-bulb.
Everybody knows Palin is a liar, a phony and a wack job except the blue collar Republicans who got shorted in the brains department. They like her because she is a fellow moron, just like Bush.


Well-Known Member
Palin has become an amazing lightening rod...attracting all sorts of frothing anger and vituperative snide criticism and vitriol.
She evokes abject fear in the hearts of the left.
I wonder why they are so petrified of this lightweight dim-bulb.
Tell me about it. She's so normal!

...And she scares the living shit out of them.

The AP tasked 11 reporters to fact check her, Hillary got zero.

No bias there. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Everybody knows Palin is a liar, a phony and a wack job except the blue collar Republicans who got shorted in the brains department. They like her because she is a fellow moron, just like Bush.

Why would anyone be afraid of the type of person you describe?
If your assessment is correct why bother with her... she will be DOA politically!

I suspect that something else is going on!


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. She's so normal!

...And she scares the living shit out of them.

The AP tasked 12 reporters to fact check her, Hillary got zero.

No bias there. LOL!
Yes indeed fact checkers on Obama's books either....yikes!


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone be afraid of the type of person you describe?
If your assessment is correct why bother with her... she will be DOA politically!

I suspect that something else is going on!
Who exactly do you think is afraid of her? She's a spectacle, nothing more. Its like walking past the psych ward at the hospital, its very fascinating to watch.


New Member
I guess the fact that they encourage nutcases to assassinate Obama has nothing to do with it.
So, you obviously have some information that I do not. Please post anything you have that shows Palin or Beck encouraging Obama's assassination. Thanks ...


New Member
If by "RT," you mean the Right, and if by "Right," you mean Conservatives or Libertarians, then yes ... I have heard plenty of outstanding plans. Want me to list some?

wouldn't mind...

Palin has become an amazing lightening rod...attracting all sorts of frothing anger and vituperative snide criticism and vitriol.
She evokes abject fear in the hearts of the left.
I wonder why they are so petrified of this lightweight dim-bulb.

Damn right they're scared. you get someone dumber than a sack of hammers in as President, you have lots to worry about. fuck 2/3 of the repub. don't want her. she couldn't even articulate to couric what she read..


Well-Known Member
It seems like every single lib argument starts with, 'well bush did this,' or 'bush did that', 'fox news blah blah blah' 'glenn beck is a liar' blah blah fucken blah. You guys are all retarded.


New Member
wouldn't mind...
For starters, how about a conservative approach to a health care plan? That would include tort reform and allowing the insurance companies to sell across state lines.

On job creation: Cut the corporate tax rate to that of Ireland, which is 18%. At present, we have the second highest corporate tax rate on the planet, second only to Japan.

Eliminate the capital gains tax, thereby putting immense amounts of capital into the private sector to purchase machinery, supplies, real estate, build factories, etc.

Cut the withholding tax, thereby putting more money into the hands of workers to bolster the economy.

Abolish the federal income tax and the IRS. Replace it with a FAIR tax. This would put the 200 BILLION dollars the private sector spends just on tax compliance each year back into the economy. Also, it would release the 110,000 people presently employed by the IRS to compete in the private sector and give them the opportunity to actually create things instead of destroy them.

Pass a bill that would force each congressman/senator to explain why each law they want to pass is constitutional. This would eliminate a lot of the unconstitutional laws being passed or suggested now, like fines and jail for NOT buying health insurance.

That's just a few. There's more if you want them.


New Member
Damn right they're scared. you get someone dumber than a sack of hammers in as President, you have lots to worry about. fuck 2/3 of the repub. don't want her. she couldn't even articulate to couric what she read..
It sounds to me as though you are about to enter into a Kool-Aid induced coma. :lol:

Sarah Palin dumb? Yep, like a fox.

Two-thirds of Republicans don't want her? Show your proof. Besides, who gives a flying fuck what the Republicans want ... we are at the brink of a conservative/libertarian takeover, coming in 2010. If they want to call themselves Republicans, so be it. But be assured, it won't be the same Republican Party as Bush knew it.


Well-Known Member
In the end it will be Romney who takes the republican ticket.
He backed out to give McLame his chance.
2012 is Romneys chance.


New Member
I'm not a Romney fan. Too much of a NeoConservative for me. If and when he starts talking about free market economics, honest money, abolishing the FED and the income tax ... then, I'll be a Romney fan. :lol:

We've tried a panoply of Yale and Harvard grads, let's try a University of Idaho grad this time around. :)


New Member
It seems like every single lib argument starts with, 'well bush did this,' or 'bush did that', 'fox news blah blah blah' 'glenn beck is a liar' blah blah fucken blah. You guys are all retarded.
and its the same for the rt with obama is this...wasn't born that..

I honestly would love to see a Beck and Palin ticket....
I'd like to see that..a crybaby and a ditz.... they'll do well on the world stage...hell that stupid bitch can see it from her porch....


Well-Known Member
Is Palin saying any of that?
Did she call for an end to the FED? (Does she have any idea what to replace it with?)
Does she support legalization? (Alaska Hmm maybe, But I want her to say that on Hannity!)
Does she know what free market economics is. (hint, it ain't what we've had for a long time does she know the diffrence?)
Does she know what Honest money is? (does she know what the definition of the dollar is?)

I honestly don't think she does.
Her bubble will burst after 2010.
Romney is the chosen one IMO.
However I have been wrong before. (lots)
However, isn't She on Hannity tonight?
I will listen to her
if I can deal with Hannity and Bill'O.
I hate both of them so much,
they make me want to be barried alive.


Well-Known Member
and its the same for the rt with obama is this...wasn't born that..

I'd like to see that..a crybaby and a ditz.... they'll do well on the world stage...hell that stupid bitch can see it from her porch....
Because Obama is the current president, we are supposed to be talking about him and his policies...Bush is old news.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
For starters, how about a conservative approach to a health care plan? That would include tort reform and allowing the insurance companies to sell across state lines.

On job creation: Cut the corporate tax rate to that of Ireland, which is 18%. At present, we have the second highest corporate tax rate on the planet, second only to Japan.

Eliminate the capital gains tax, thereby putting immense amounts of capital into the private sector to purchase machinery, supplies, real estate, build factories, etc.

Cut the withholding tax, thereby putting more money into the hands of workers to bolster the economy.

Abolish the federal income tax and the IRS. Replace it with a FAIR tax. This would put the 200 BILLION dollars the private sector spends just on tax compliance each year back into the economy. Also, it would release the 110,000 people presently employed by the IRS to compete in the private sector and give them the opportunity to actually create things instead of destroy them.

Pass a bill that would force each congressman/senator to explain why each law they want to pass is constitutional. This would eliminate a lot of the unconstitutional laws being passed or suggested now, like fines and jail for NOT buying health insurance.

That's just a few. There's more if you want them.

Strangely enough, I would even throw out there something like this: Since Democrats are set on having the government control health care, rather than spending billions/trillions of dollars on it and giving them control of it, use a lot less of that money to subsidize companies if they hire X% more people and provide Y% of their employees, who do not have health insurance, with their companies policy. This alleviates unemployment and the issue of a lot of people not having health insurance.

Also, to fix health care, they need to address the issue that I bolded. If they don't, nothing good will get accomplished, the price for health insurance will remain ridiculous even if it is the government plan.


Well-Known Member
Pass a bill that would force each congressman/senator to explain why each law they want to pass is constitutional. This would eliminate a lot of the unconstitutional laws being passed or suggested now, like fines and jail for NOT buying health insurance.

Well thats all good and great however you and I both know they can sight the "Commurse Clause",
The "Nessasary and proper Clause" and the "General Welfare" clause.
The Supreme Court will back that up so this Law will mean Jack.

Tort Reform and interstate competition is nibbling at the edges, IMO.
You gotta take the money out of the hands of third party payers.
Health Savings accounts.
Dovetail long term Major Medical insurance.
and 1 for 1 tax credits for health care providers who do Pro Bono work.
Put the responsability back in the hands of the people.

End the IRS and replace it with NOTHING!
Screw the Fair tax.
If the income tax ended tomarrow it would only take the federal budget back to what it was in 2001.
A much more approriate level.
(However, I wouldn't mind implementing it with a sunset provision to pay down the debt.)