Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
there in there 5th week of flower almost at 6 weeks.

they look done to me im starting to get worried as the buds are not that phat they look good but there small
She looks Sativa to me ,,so at least another 2/3 weeks ((maybe more???))....the buds start to get phat from nowish...
if she stops growing,,you have a problem either with your ph or from hermie flowers......:eyesmoke: just my stoner 2 bobs worth


Well-Known Member
She looks Sativa to me ,,so at least another 2/3 weeks ((maybe more???))....the buds start to get phat from nowish...
if she stops growing,,you have a problem either with your ph or from hermie flowers......:eyesmoke: just my stoner 2 bobs worth
Hermie flowers?
If u had hermies bro ud know it by now, I think Jats means if they were hermies n they pollenated emselves (can happen inside d buds, n u want c much on d outside), then d bud puts it's energy in2 making seeds n not swelling.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to give a big shout out to Ninja for hooking me up with a new light yesterday and for sharing some of his wicked SLH!!! Im a little ashamed to say it but it was the first time ive ever known the name of the gear i was smoking and it was sweet. It was so smooth and that smell was like nothing ive ever come across. im so keen to finish my grow setup now and get some funky junk sprouting for myself! how am i gonna go back to my shitty wet crud from airds after trying that! hmm i might go try some now! lol!
Cheers Buddy, Glad u enjoyed our lil Smoking Session :blsmoke:

Nobody should have 2 Settle 4 Shitty Wet Crud - I Curse d F*ckrs who put d shit out there - damn commercial growers who don't have a love of good weed!


Well-Known Member
yea i thought they coule be going hermie it they have lil flower type things coming out of them like these lil yellowy green things


Well-Known Member
yea i thought they coule be going hermie it they have lil flower type things coming out of them like these lil yellowy green things
Don't sweat it 2 much.. If this is the 1st u r seeing of these 'bananas' then it doesn't always indicate a hermie. If they are rare and scattered, then u can just pull them off with no affect to ur plant..
If they have come on strong & r clustered, then u have stressed ur plant & turned it..


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it 2 much.. If this is the 1st u r seeing of these 'bananas' then it doesn't always indicate a hermie. If they are rare and scattered, then u can just pull them off with no affect to ur plant..
If they have come on strong & r clustered, then u have stressed ur plant & turned it..

tat might of happened my water heater blew up the other day may have stressed the crap out of em fuck it


Well-Known Member
tat might of happened my water heater blew up the other day may have stressed the crap out of em fuck it
Y where u running a water heater in this heat anyway?
Ur optimum nutrient solution temp shud b 18 degrees celcius.
Anything over 21 degrees celcius n ur plants won't uptake it properly.


Well-Known Member
so my hubby has seen that apparently someone on here knows where i live and wants me to pull my grow. fantastic, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Cheers Buddy, Glad u enjoyed our lil Smoking Session :blsmoke:

Nobody should have 2 Settle 4 Shitty Wet Crud - I Curse d F*ckrs who put d shit out there - damn commercial growers who don't have a love of good weed!
didn't you say somethin about the woes of MOM? lol

haha, sharin the love. yer a good lad


Well-Known Member
hells yeah knickers let's do a road trip and hit him up for the SLH lol hoodies and facial underpants required!


Well-Known Member
Well I get my car at the end of next week... and with 206kw 4wd we could prolly do the round trip in about 8-9hrs :D

I presume youre supplying the underwear?

HAAAAA sorry coulddnt resist :P


Well-Known Member
Cmon bro I like cars or maybe your right I roll a new ss wag
330 kw at the fly oopppssss Im starting a pissing contest the heat getting to ya grow?


Well-Known Member
kmoo, tell ur hubby to calm down, good bong will do that for sure, get ninja to post you some SLH for extra calming effects

btw ninja i dont mind telling u to give out ur hard earned erb :)


Well-Known Member
mastrd - i reserve the right, and the right for hubby too, to get a bit freaked out when someone on an internet forum announces they know where i live. add to that it's weed - and i'm within normal levels of phobia to want him to clarify this in a more private (message) way.

knickers - my car doesn't broom so impressively lol but it gets me aboot. i'll get you a special pair of mums! ha