Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

but i guess with a 25x25 grow space, than that would be fucking awesome... wow... that means anywhere in cali would be an awesome place to live.. not just norcal...
alright, but even that is plenty of room to be self suffeciently growing your own herb and never buying weed again...
It's not 25x25. It's 5x5. But yes, 25x25 would be awesome.

That sounds OK for the user/patient, but on that show they showed one guy who was growing in his back yard. He said he's never had another job other than growing, and he was using a much larger area to grow in his back yard. I'm sure he doesn't want anything to pass that will change that.

As a grower, I'm planning on having a small warehouse by the end of next year. So it doesn't really sound good to me either unless they have a grower or dispensory license you can get to make bigger grows.

For the user, it's more than they need so it's a good deal. It'll be interesting to watch & see what happens.
Im sorry man, but your an idiot. If a state like California were to legalize it, we could finally get ourselves out of the hundreds of millions dollars of debt. By legalizing, the govenment and state would tax it giving them extra revenue boosting up the state. THIS IS WHY YOUR STUPID, AND WHY MARIJUANA WILL BE LEGALIZED IN CALIFORNIA IN 10 YEARS.
i dont really get what your saying jakethetank... you think it is gonna take them 10 years to legalize it? i think it will be in the next year or so in cali... cali doesnt really follow fed dictation very well...
Im sorry man, but your an idiot. If a state like California were to legalize it, we could finally get ourselves out of the hundreds of millions dollars of debt. By legalizing, the govenment and state would tax it giving them extra revenue boosting up the state. THIS IS WHY YOUR STUPID, AND WHY MARIJUANA WILL BE LEGALIZED IN CALIFORNIA IN 10 YEARS.

Here we go with the dam semantics again.

Hey jackass, what do you call legalizing? If I'm not mistaken medical marijuana is already legal & being taxed in CA. And growers are allowed to earn a living.

NORML calls it decriminalizing when a state loosens it's laws enough so that they're not overly harsh. That's not decriminalization in my book (not that I can spell it properly. lol).

So in your idea of legalizing, how is it different than Medial MJ? Does everyone get to smoke? Is there an age limit like iwth alchahol? Do the growers & dispensories get left out in the cold? What? What? What?

We all need to make sure the language (semantics) doesn't get us all turned around, confused, and fighting each other instead of fighting the would be regulators.
Im sorry man, but your an idiot. If a state like California were to legalize it, we could finally get ourselves out of the hundreds of millions dollars of debt. By legalizing, the govenment and state would tax it giving them extra revenue boosting up the state. THIS IS WHY YOUR STUPID, AND WHY MARIJUANA WILL BE LEGALIZED IN CALIFORNIA IN 10 YEARS.

So this guy is gonna call someone an idiot because they don't think like him, then when you try to discuss the matter with facts and info, he don't want to debate anymore. Must be a right wing-nut. lol

Either debate civily & logically, or STFU and go get your book autographed by Palin. Leave the legalizing to those of us who don't base our opinions on a single sound bite, no matter how catchy it is. lol
lol i say different there was a social experiement here in canada in 2003 in victoria it was call DA KINE bud caffee it only sold ganja oor anything to do with growing and cultivating it. As it turned out it was a success drug dealers left the area they couldnt compete with this shop wich was bringing in more then 30k a month ( and they payed taxes on it too) it was run by organic pot growers and farmers from the area offering like 30 diff strains!

well it got shut down in 2004 and everyone in the area was like WTF is the cops doing leave that place alone and all the cops said was some really covered up and lame excuse that they got one complaint about the shop and that was enough to shut it down, since then canada pot law is in limbo here in ontario its technicaly legal but not on a fed scale the rest of the country is like barely even being enforce with a crappy law that does not work.

but right now there is a bill called bill-c15 that is an alll out US style drug war ( wich hasnt worked from the get go) stephen harper wants mandatory minimums and so on and it look as if this bill will die off cauz the conservative cannot show evidence or proof prohibition work to deter people from growing or using pot or any other drug( me personally ii dont consider pot to be a drug!)
That sounds OK for the user/patient, but on that show they showed one guy who was growing in his back yard. He said he's never had another job other than growing, and he was using a much larger area to grow in his back yard. I'm sure he doesn't want anything to pass that will change that.

5x5 in hydro is plenty for personal use. Should be pretty easy to get a pound every few months.

Commercial growers permits will be available from your county. They will cost $5000 dollars and you automatically renew them every year for $2500.

As a grower, I'm planning on having a small warehouse by the end of next year. So it doesn't really sound good to me either unless they have a grower or dispensory license you can get to make bigger grows.

For the user, it's more than they need so it's a good deal. It'll be interesting to watch & see what happens.

Either way, it's an improvement on what we have now. The bill is far from perfect but it'll be the biggest step forward we've ever had.

< >
Im sorry man, but your an idiot. If a state like California were to legalize it, we could finally get ourselves out of the hundreds of millions dollars of debt.

More than that. Using the current market as a projection with a $50 per ounce tax it should raise 1.4billion dollars per year + sales tax + additional marijuana tourism + we aren't spending money investigating, arresting, prosecuting, and keeping people in jail for cannabis related crimes.

That stuff adds up and should bring the state billions every year.

I'd be one year, but agreed.
lol i say different there was a social experiement here in canada in 2003 in victoria it was call DA KINE bud caffee it only sold ganja oor anything to do with growing and cultivating it. As it turned out it was a success drug dealers left the area they couldnt compete with this shop wich was bringing in more then 30k a month ( and they payed taxes on it too) it was run by organic pot growers and farmers from the area offering like 30 diff strains!

well it got shut down in 2004 and everyone in the area was like WTF is the cops doing leave that place alone and all the cops said was some really covered up and lame excuse that they got one complaint about the shop and that was enough to shut it down, since then canada pot law is in limbo here in ontario its technicaly legal but not on a fed scale the rest of the country is like barely even being enforce with a crappy law that does not work.

but right now there is a bill called bill-c15 that is an alll out US style drug war ( wich hasnt worked from the get go) stephen harper wants mandatory minimums and so on and it look as if this bill will die off cauz the conservative cannot show evidence or proof prohibition work to deter people from growing or using pot or any other drug( me personally ii dont consider pot to be a drug!)

We're having our own problems here, I know what it's like listening to souless politicians & talking to misinformed people with strong opinions based in nothing but rumor & conjecture. Only thing you can do is to hang in there and fight the good fight (so to speak)

I don't think MJ is a drug either. In my book, if a substance isn't chemically addictive then it is simply not a drug.

Good luck up there
More than that. Using the current market as a projection with a $50 per ounce tax it should raise 1.4billion dollars per year + sales tax + additional marijuana tourism + we aren't spending money investigating, arresting, prosecuting, and keeping people in jail for cannabis related crimes.

I'd be one year, but agreed.

Don't forget about all those people that would be unemployed (growers & dispensories)

But do you know what this guy means by leagalize? Just curious because I thought medical MJ was already legal in CA
Hey jackass, what do you call legalizing? If I'm not mistaken medical marijuana is already legal & being taxed in CA. And growers are allowed to earn a living.

Sort of. There is absolutely nothing legal about selling marijuana, even to a club. But it is legal to grow and possess.

So in your idea of legalizing, how is it different than Medial MJ?

No card system. Anyone can posses or go to a marijuana dispensary.

Does everyone get to smoke?

Yes. Everyone gets to smoke and possess at least an ounce. (counties can set laws saying you can have more than an ounce, but not less)

Is there an age limit like iwth alchahol?

Yes, 21. Same as alcohol.

Do the growers & dispensories get left out in the cold? What? What? What?

No. Dispensaries will be able to open their doors to the general public. Growers will need to pay $5k for a commercial license.

We all need to make sure the language (semantics) doesn't get us all turned around, confused, and fighting each other instead of fighting the would be regulators.

There will definitely be more fights to be had. And yes, corporate America will try and take their piece. It's not perfect, just better. Can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Don't forget about all those people that would be unemployed (growers & dispensories)

But do you know what this guy means by leagalize? Just curious because I thought medical MJ was already legal in CA

Yes, I know exactly what he means by legalize. Just read the bill.

MEDICAL is semi-legal in California. This is legalization for everyone.
Yes, I know exactly what he means by legalize. Just read the bill.

MEDICAL is semi-legal in California. This is legalization for everyone.

I guess I was mistaken. When I saw that CA grower being interviewed I thought selling to the dispensories would be legal, especially since it is here. I wonder where the cops think they're getting it from. lol

If that's what's on the bill then I'd say it's about as close to perfect as you can get. It's a win for everyone, I might even move there if it passes. I wouldn't mind paying the $5k, it's not like I'd be making enough to afford it pretty comfortably.

The thing I'm worried about is the semantics that the politicians will try to use so they can bend it to their personal benefit instead of doing what's right for the people. Last week someone tole me that NY legalized but they didn't. NORML has NY listed as a state that has decriminalized, but in my book they haven't because there are laws against it that can get you a fine or jail time. But this guy read "decriminalized" and thought it meant legal. You see where I'm getting at.

But that sounds like one hell of a bill, I'd make sure I wake up early enough to vote on that day if I were you.
I guess I was mistaken. When I saw that CA grower being interviewed I thought selling to the dispensories would be legal, especially since it is here. I wonder where the cops think they're getting it from. lol

It's miracle weed that magically appears in clubs ofc.

If that's what's on the bill then I'd say it's about as close to perfect as you can get. It's a win for everyone, I might even move there if it passes. I wouldn't mind paying the $5k, it's not like I'd be making enough to afford it pretty comfortably.

The only problem I have with it is who decides who get commercial permits and how many will be given out. The bill doesn't specify.
It's miracle weed that magically appears in clubs ofc.

The only problem I have with it is who decides who get commercial permits and how many will be given out. The bill doesn't specify.

Well as long as it's like any other business license then you just go down to the COC or State Lic Office (changes state to state) and provide proof of residency and who you are, and they sell you a license.

If they're going to try to control it like an alchahol license, then fuck that. It'll cost ya $5k for the license and another $30k to pay off the inspector. lol
I think there are several ways this can go. I am not really in favor of the "Medical Use" push because I think that can lead us down the wrong road. If that approach is pursued fully, I see pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and Doctors running the show. MJ will be considered a controlled substance and it will be no easier to get and no less illegal than Morphine. If there were a lobby, I think the smart approach would be to attempt to classify MJ the same way alcohol is classified. Regulatory taxes and laws that maintain market integrity (ie. limits to the sheer number of vendor licenses issued every year- per capita) would go a long way in arguing the benefits of the presence of MJ in the marketplace. This would facilitate the use of MJ to be more socially accepted in public and avoid involving BIG PHARMA in the whole thing and even perhaps serve to protect the smaller growers. It would also give the politicians and conservatives "a way out" with regard to unrealistic and costly MJ laws. It would also allow for market growth which is good for everybody. As far as quality is concerned- the market will dictate if you order Blueberry Kush or Mexican Brown just like it dictates you ordering a Heinekin or Natural Light! Demand will clearly increase as many of those who do not smoke for legal reasons will want to join the cool kids! I would imagine that the Market price for MJ would not change all that much as it has had many years of robust revenue generation with minor price fluctuations (percentage wise). We as smokers have already regulated the price. I know that I will grow my own before I pay some unGodly price for a little weed and I'm sure most of the people on this forum would agree. The market knows that too. Just like brewing your own beer- it's a hobby for a few but most people belly up at the local Pub or pick something up on the way home. Most of the beer is better yeah but it takes a lot of work and we don't like that- it's work! I think most will be happy to "pick something up on the way home" just like they do now. Please don't get me wrong, medical use and the laws in California are a great step forward and are a start and I fully support any measure that can get me and everyone else high but IMHO, I'm just not sure "Medical" is the way we should go as our only approach. It is important that people accept it overall and not just as a "pain med". The facts support the use of MJ both medically and recreationally. It is not anywhere near as dangerous as alcohol, it is not addictive (so they say but I can't quit-not that I have really tried!) and will generate a ton of money in taxes- which we all know is what it is really about. Hopefully the die-hard ultra conservatives that have been in office all these years will finally die off (I really don't mean any disrespect by that) and we can get some hippie blood in government. One can only hope!!!