Well-Known Member
i kinda think of the idea of eternal rest and the other the same way. who knows what happens though whatever it is im sure its gonna be nice

Yeah Topeka is a dirty city.. Lol dank is some badass weed if you ask me but I have never had K-Town if it even exists. You can't find any kb out here easily, that's why I prefer Texas or Colorado.I enjoy the conservative prudes, the lifted up loud trucks, and most of all, all the SKS, AR-15, AK-47, sawed-off pump-12 [at 13 inches], 9mils, 45s, homemade explosives, stock car races, beer, mudding... but one thing to hate is the bud! I need to have a guy who carries around some baby powder for my hand, at least 5 bottles per day, for every motherfucker who refers to their k-town as 'dank'
Worse yet, I got jacked in the most pussy city of all, Topeka!
The urban dictionary is wrong. K-town is the standard kansas city grade. Not the best, but definitely smoke-able by the most picky. It's some moderate-high mid grade. That is the definition of K-town.Main Entry: dank
Pronunciation: \ˈdaŋk\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English danke
Date: 1573
: unpleasantly moist or wet <a dank basement>
synonyms see wet
dank·ly adverb
dank·ness noun
Yes, hilarious in it's inaccuracies. "K-town" actually refers to our town of 300 out in bumfuck, whatever.that urban dic. k town is hilarious
K-town, high/mid-grade [but not the best]. Interchangeable, and widely accepted, from Kansas City at least through to the center of Kansas. I have never, ever, heard k-town used to describe anything other than mid-grade, except when used to describe the name, Kansas City = k-town, but in budspeak, k-town is mid-grade. Don't believe urban dictionary.If it's not on Urban then it's not a word.
You probably hear this at stoplights then, them Midwest boys love Tech N9ne, even the rednecks who make different acronyms out of the word rap, which isn't an acronym.So, the weed that is in great abundance where I live.
that's probably because u've never drank 1 oz. and a halfs worth of bud in weed butter. i actually put about four ounces of leaves into the butter, then after it hardened up, i weighed out a portion equivalent to 1 and a half oz. of the leaves, put it in a cup and melted it in the microwave.(i did this to make it break down quicker in my stomach). Then i straight chugged, so nasty, but it was the highest I've ever been in my life. I was high for atleast 6 or 7 hours, this was literally the only time i've ever blacked out from weed. i have little memory other than sitting on friends bean bag. my friends told me that i was so fucked up that i was passing out cold every 10 seconds or so. they told me that they kept waking me up so i wouldn't waste the butter. but as i said earlier, i don't even remember falling asleep or being woken up.The last time I tripped on weed. Wait, I never tripped on weed, and I've probably smoked more than you've seen in your life.
haha ya as I was trying to explain to them, my friends did the same type of thing to me and that was the last time weed got me "really high".A bit late, but it sounds like Norris was "tripped out" as opposed to "tripping"...we used to (waaay back when) trip out friends that were really high by suddenly all looking at him/her and asking them to "go fetch the hammerspade so we could start the ceremony", then wait for the usual "whut?" and then deny ever saying anything!
Obviously now I've grown up a bit I just sit there grinning like a fool
Notice, I didn't tell you 'Kansas City' in the post you quoted. If Kansas City is the only place anything interesting is to you, then you must be quite hard to please.I live in SW Kansas, so if you were going to Kansas City, Missouri, it would take you about 6+ hours to get there no matter which route you took. It's 20 minutes to CO from here and 30 to OK. I know what I'm talking about.
That's possible. I have tripped from sitting and smoking 23 grams with a friend, but that was in combination with speed to keep me from passing out. I totally explored the psychedelic properties of weed, but it doesn't count because it wasn't weed only.that's probably because u've never drank 1 oz. and a halfs worth of bud in weed butter. i actually put about four ounces of leaves into the butter, then after it hardened up, i weighed out a portion equivalent to 1 and a half oz. of the leaves, put it in a cup and melted it in the microwave.(i did this to make it break down quicker in my stomach). Then i straight chugged, so nasty, but it was the highest I've ever been in my life. I was high for atleast 6 or 7 hours, this was literally the only time i've ever blacked out from weed. i have little memory other than sitting on friends bean bag. my friends told me that i was so fucked up that i was passing out cold every 10 seconds or so. they told me that they kept waking me up so i wouldn't waste the butter. but as i said earlier, i don't even remember falling asleep or being woken up.