My seedlings have rigid leaves ?


Well-Known Member


One of my seedlings has its 4 small leaves and long stem. And 2 leaves are rigid.

The other is the same thing just the 2 leaves are not rigid, Kinda straight and skinny

Is this a male sign ?

AND What is "boost"

I heard it will strengthen the root system of my plants.

And I planted some seeds 2 days ago, but none has broke ground.

Should i be worried ? The soil is still damp-dry and i dont overwater,

Watered 2 days ago.


Don't fret about the seedlings not sprouting cause some take up to 5 or 6 days... but they should come up pretty soon and you won't know if it's a male or female until balls show or don't show... and i'm not sure about that rigidness... do you have a pic?


If it helps i took these at about 5 days after being put in soil.

Mine are the same as yours if the stem is really tall your light may be to far away and it is elongating I had that problem on my other plant.

P.S sorry for the noob shadow :P



Well-Known Member


One of my seedlings has its 4 small leaves and long stem. And 2 leaves are rigid.

The other is the same thing just the 2 leaves are not rigid, Kinda straight and skinny

Is this a male sign ?

AND What is "boost"

I heard it will strengthen the root system of my plants.

And I planted some seeds 2 days ago, but none has broke ground.

Should i be worried ? The soil is still damp-dry and i dont overwater,

Watered 2 days ago.
Theres no "male signs" when it comes to growing expect for the male parts actually growing. You have to learn patience when it comes to growing some seeds can take 2 days up to 2 plus weeks before they germinate/break ground, most people do the paper towl method till the seeds crack and they see the tap root showing before placing in their growing medium. You should do alot of research on here and maybe get some grow videos to study to learn more. And give people more time you bumped your thread within 13 minutes of you making it, give people time once again learn patience thats one of the main things you need to learn with growing, is patience


Well-Known Member
Theres no "male signs" when it comes to growing expect for the male parts actually growing. You have to learn patience when it comes to growing some seeds can take 2 days up to 2 plus weeks before they germinate/break ground, most people do the paper towl method till the seeds crack and they see the tap root showing before placing in their growing medium. You should do alot of research on here and maybe get some grow videos to study to learn more. And give people more time you bumped your thread within 13 minutes of you making it, give people time once again learn patience thats one of the main things you need to learn with growing, is patience
Its Been soaked in a paper towel...