the not important enough for a thread, thread.


Well-Known Member
Today was the first fun day I've had in a long ass time. I went out wakeboarding (Gotta love florida.) I also finally got my dirtbike. Now I just need a place to ride it.

What are the consequences of riding one on the local streets?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Today was the first fun day I've had in a long ass time. I went out wakeboarding (Gotta love florida.) I also finally got my dirtbike. Now I just need a place to ride it.

What are the consequences of riding one on the local streets?
Depending on your riding style, moderate to severe ticket, possibly even a misdemeanor. It all depends on speeding, how dangerous/busy the road is, how much of a dick the cop is, etc. Wear a helmet. Don't mix a dirt bike with the street or a street bike with the dirt. Both are recipes for disaster, but with careful riding both can be achieved. Just no stunts!


Well-Known Member
Well, I think I blew a gasket on the bike. I almost broke a collarbone, too. It was fun though. Remember your brainbuckets, people.

This is the creepiest video I've seen in a WHILE.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think I blew a gasket on the bike. I almost broke a collarbone, too. It was fun though. Remember your brainbuckets, people.

This is the creepiest video I've seen in a WHILE.

what the fuck? :shock:


Well-Known Member
From what I read that chick is actually a tansvestite, with polio.

She was in the old Manson video "The dope show"

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
It is 12:31 am.. im stoned...

Earlier this week i broke my bottom hinge off my door to my room. So i went and got some gorilla glue glued it about 30 minutes ago. The problem is... i have the munchies HELLA bad and i cant open the door cause it has to sit for TWO hours...

Im stuck. i might climb out the window and use the hidden key for the back door... Need munchiess


Well-Known Member
Takin care of the wake n bake when i noticed "SICC" is the only member to appear in the top 5 of the members list alphabetically, by post count, and by reputation points.


Well-Known Member
Damn, It's been awhile since I've visited this thread. thought I'd update.
