Oracle of Hallucinogens
they sure as hell didn't use DONThe Aztecs didn't use Ayahuasca did they?

I think the Aztecs were more towards peyote and psilocybe.
they sure as hell didn't use DONThe Aztecs didn't use Ayahuasca did they?
How would they synthesize that? Or would they?Also LSA and Datura.
I am not a native chiefOloliuqui.
I don't have that intuitive primal instinct!No way in hell you could be. =)
I haven't seen him as of late today, where is he hiding?Spidey's back and appears strung out.
at least its not in the K-HOLE where paranormal forces can take affectIn his Gollum hole known as The nitrous oxide is on its way...
What's the strangest K experience for ya BREVITY?O.O
Really, from little old K?Vision? What do you know about my vision?! My vision would turn your world upside-down, tear asunder your illusions, and a sanctuary of your own ignorance would come crashing down around you. Ask yourself... are you really ready to see that vision?
It thought it wasnt that profound for you...Indeed. From little old me taking little old K.
Yes you just saw your error now...Where did I say that? Perhaps I've been contradictory.