Vegging For 3 weeks, Then putting them outside, In the cold.


Well-Known Member


From what i researched, growth will be slow but it will grow.

Ill try and post pics and updates.

Seedlings are currently 5 days old.

The main purpose is too find out if Cannabis can grow around Autumn/fall with a decent yield.

This actually will be my first grow. Lol

Questions that if answered, Would help me out a shitload.

-How many days does it take for seedlings to develop there 2nd set of leaves.





Well-Known Member
depending on yr location is a massive factor!!! sounds crazy 2 me tho
If it grows then BAM, Weed is officially unstoppable. Lol

If it doesnt. Ill harvest and get a couple grams. Even if i cant harvest it, I would've gained knowledge :p

Live and learn


Active Member
can understand some1 experienced trying out experiments but u say this is yr 1st grow??? mental!!!!! im startin my 1st grow 2moro and cant wait....


Well-Known Member
can understand some1 experienced trying out experiments but u say this is yr 1st grow??? mental!!!!! im startin my 1st grow 2moro and cant wait....

Its not rocket science, As much guides there are and research available, I think ill be ok.

Weed is "weed" Literally.


Active Member
Night guys. and the light cycle is 24/0 right now.
Sup Plazplaya :eyesmoke:
Feeling your little experiment man, but i think it will end in tears for ya man, y not just build a cab and garantee your yield?
But then, if no one experimented we would never know how to 'FIM and 'TOP' ect, ect, ect....bongsmilie
Your light cycle wants to be 18/6.
24 hours of light will not get your ladies to grow better, too much light could damage the chlorophyll, but im no expert..
check out my grow in my signature, my girls are starting their 3rd week of veg today, you can see the rate of growth from seedling to a nice sized plant in just 2weeks!:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Sup Plazplaya :eyesmoke:
Feeling your little experiment man, but i think it will end in tears for ya man, y not just build a cab and garantee your yield?
But then, if no one experimented we would never know how to 'FIM and 'TOP' ect, ect, ect....bongsmilie
Your light cycle wants to be 18/6.
24 hours of light will not get your ladies to grow better, too much light could damage the chlorophyll, but im no expert..
check out my grow in my signature, my girls are starting their 3rd week of veg today, you can see the rate of growth from seedling to a nice sized plant in just 2weeks!:mrgreen:


I give it some rest for a while, 1 hour max. and then its up again. so 23/0 Lol.

I Have 5 seedlings so lets say 2 are female.

Ill plant a female outside, and keep one .

todays high will be 68.

it gets actually hot during the day.


Active Member
the drop in temp at night is gonna make them stop growing. im in the north and i pulled my plant from outside a week or so ago. it stopped growing about a month ago. it wont die its just not gonna grow either


Well-Known Member
the drop in temp at night is gonna make them stop growing. im in the north and i pulled my plant from outside a week or so ago. it stopped growing about a month ago. it wont die its just not gonna grow either
A big factor is your in the north. BURRRR

Lol, we dont ever get snow if it is it is Lite snow very lite snow.

And click here they dont stop, They SLOW DOWN. if theres light the plant will grow.


Active Member
yes you dont get snow but i lived in florida for 3 years and it does get cold and get frost there around this time of year. my plant stayed the same size for over a month when the cold weather started. again not snow just cold weather. im not telling you you cant do it just letting you know its not gonna grow and if it does it would be better off in a closet under a single cheap 23w cfl or something


Active Member
yeah but peeps outdoor harvest at a certain time of year 4 a reason mate, do u really think it aint already been tried??? wats the point in risking gettin caught breakin the law if u aint guna grow correctly!!!


Well-Known Member
i dunno guys, if he can find a nice sunny hillside he might be able to make it work. direct winter sunlight is still better than any light 12/12 other than a few 1000w hps........40-50 at night should mean 60-70 during the day, and if its in sunlight that makes heat the ground absorbs during the day rise during the night(or is this part bs-it sounds right to me kinda) but thats not the most important part, 40-50 at night happens here during fall which is fine, but if it gets below 32f for any extended period at all during winter you'll have to keep it in a 5 gl bucket and bring it back inside for any temps of under 32f that last more than a few hours.


Well-Known Member
i dunno guys, if he can find a nice sunny hillside he might be able to make it work. direct winter sunlight is still better than any light 12/12 other than a few 1000w hps........40-50 at night should mean 60-70 during the day, and if its in sunlight that makes heat the ground absorbs during the day rise during the night(or is this part bs-it sounds right to me kinda) but thats not the most important part, 40-50 at night happens here during fall which is fine, but if it gets below 32f for any extended period at all during winter you'll have to keep it in a 5 gl bucket and bring it back inside for any temps of under 32f that last more than a few hours.

If I see It doesnt grow after 2 weeks, Ill simply take it back under my wing.

If it does grow, Even at the slightest, Ill let it continue under mother nature's arm.