I am NOT the oldest person here !


Well-Known Member
There really wsn't much BUD. Pot came in compressed bricks, compressed so tight, you just broke a chunk off and crumbled it and rolled it. Those bricks had big stems, lots of leaves, lots of seeds, even the males would be in there. Only after we saw Jamacian and Panama and Columbian, did we see an actual bud. And there was a short period of time when BUDs were 99% seeds and not desirable, we foolishly and mistakenly wanted the leaves.
And all the rolling papers were very thick then.
God that brings back memories. Sifting pot through a screen into nasty powder to get all the crap out. I was going through my vinyl collection about ten years ago and opened up a double album (Traffic Live) and there was a big wad of totally dried out weed. I haven't played any vinyl since1985 or so so it's at least that old and I wasn't listening to Traffic much then; might be 70's weed:mrgreen:

I bought a kilo of hash in pakistan in 1973. It cost about 12 bucks. black with gold airplane seals on it. That lasted awhile.

I was 15 then.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I can't wait till I get old enough to actually be proud of how old I am. Much to my dismay I just got through celebrating my 28th Birthday and I feel like I've been foresaken by the force of time because it went by way too fast.

Yeah I'm deffinitly having youth withdrawls.

Peace out

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I can't wait till I get old enough to actually be proud of how old I am. Much to my dismay I just got through celebrating my 28th Birthday and I feel like I've been foresaken by the force of time because it went by way too fast.

Yeah I'm deffinitly having youth withdrawls.

Peace out
life is what is passing you by wile you wait for it to begin


Well-Known Member
Just so all you old people know im 27 but always heard "lid" from cheech and chong movies, glad somebody could explain it to me. Between lude and lid i was confused as a younger boy.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
First I saw were a quarter out of a machine at the gas station bathroom, I think. It was years before we heard the word condom tho, they were rubbers.

Wow this is a nice thread.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, waxing nostalgic.

I remember when rubbers were not considered "lifesavers"...as all we had to worry about back then was pregnancy or VD...the clap or the drip.
There was no life threatening AIDS...

I got bitten by the grow bug when I picked up the first copy of High Times Magazine.

It was a different world back then.

I think a senior forum is a great idea Roseman!

My favorite album cover for cleaning weed was Cheech and Chongs Big Bambu...I remember that it cane with a huge rolling paper inside!


Well-Known Member
I cleaned my weed on "Edgar Winters" double album :wink:
An excellent choice! I'm pretty sure I was fond of that Traffic album.

Why did we ever use wheat straw papers?????? Harsh, harsh, harsh. I guess it matched the schwag we were smoking:blsmoke:


Elite Rolling Society
Why DID we like those wheatstraws?
And those thick strawberry papers too?

Give me a french lite any time now. A thin ZigZag will do.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget stars and stripes papers. I don't spin reefers much these days; I'm near the end of a pack of rizlas I've had since 1995.

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol you guys ever heard them called pot sticks?

my friends dad once accused me of smokin those pot sticks when i was younger:mrgreen:

he was a straight edge navy manbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol you guys ever heard them called pot sticks?

my friends dad once accused me of smokin those pot sticks when i was younger:mrgreen:

he was a straight edge navy manbongsmilie

Probably Thai sticks....I think around 75 or 76 I was first introduced to these wonderful buds!


Elite Rolling Society
Thai Sticks...........little ittdy bitty buds tied to a stick, did not look so powerful but packed a big wallow like dynomite!

Big P

Well-Known Member
Thai Sticks...........little ittdy bitty buds tied to a stick, did not look so powerful but packed a big wallow like dynomite!

how can obtain these old school thia strains?

like the real deal ones like you said tiny buds that pack a punch:blsmoke:


Elite Rolling Society