Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow


Elite Rolling Society
The entire site has half the visitors it normally has.

A couple of other sites are really bad mouthing RIU this week too.


Well-Known Member
The entire site has half the visitors it normally has.

A couple of other sites are really bad mouthing RIU this week too.
probably threads from people coming off this site. I haven't been too impressed lately myself. I can say this place has been going downhill rather steadily since I joined over a year ago. The only threads that aren't simply childish bickering and thankless sarcasm are the ones your visiting right now. There's a couple but 75% of them are crap now. Bout to find a new place to chill....



Elite Rolling Society
This place is really different lately, and I try to stay out of Politics and Spirituality threads. This site stays under attack from haters and trolls and bashers.


Well-Known Member
idk if your going to find a better site then this, i mean if you guys really let what go's on here effect you, then im not too sure what else to say


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3420144]idk if your going to find a better site then this, i mean if you guys really let what go's on here effect you, then im not too sure what else to say[/QUOTE]

I spend a lot of time on the computer all day man. When i first started coming to this site, people were nice, helpful and friendly for the most part. Lately, all I see is people who I KNOW haven't even finished ONE grow, telling other people their grow is garbage, their a loser and an idiot and so forth.

That just makes me sad. I apologize for my empathy, but I can't help it. I don't like being in the company of assholes, because whether I say something rude or not I'm assumed an asshole. People just need to chill. Pre-madonnas everywhere... I just don't even like coming here anymore. There's nothing new posted except by the same pessimistic people. And I'd prefer it to be the more positive place riu was when i was first introduced to it. You don't have to say anything... I don't let other peoples words shape my decisions. I draw my own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
Well I noticed the site going downhill but it has before. People get to caught up in the politics and fighting. Thats why we all hang out in each others thread because were all chilled : )

I dont think Ill find another place to chill because ive seen the site go downhill before and come right back. Just as long as there are a few cool guys here to chill with, Im cool.



Well-Known Member
And that's where it's at buddy. And THANK YOU for proving me wrong. A positive note is always appreciated brother. I coulda sworn I was gonna get gunned down and picked apart for that last paragraph...


Well-Known Member
lol! Well if the immature bitches that start drama hung out in here then you might have. Thank god for the pros sticking to each others threads : )



Well-Known Member
LOL! So much fun! BUT I must head into work soon. But I dont have a long shift today. Ill be out by 8-9ish. Then hopefully MW2 for a while tonight : )

Well Off to work now, See ya laters : )



Well-Known Member
I spend a lot of time on the computer all day man. When i first started coming to this site, people were nice, helpful and friendly for the most part. Lately, all I see is people who I KNOW haven't even finished ONE grow, telling other people their grow is garbage, their a loser and an idiot and so forth.

That just makes me sad. I apologize for my empathy, but I can't help it. I don't like being in the company of assholes, because whether I say something rude or not I'm assumed an asshole. People just need to chill. Pre-madonnas everywhere... I just don't even like coming here anymore. There's nothing new posted except by the same pessimistic people. And I'd prefer it to be the more positive place riu was when i was first introduced to it. You don't have to say anything... I don't let other peoples words shape my decisions. I draw my own conclusions.
I feel ya man, i kinda feel the same way, but then i start to think of all the helpful things i have gained from this website, and i would hate to see people like us leaving, you Roseman and anyone else who has been here for a while is what RIU is all about, were the originals i guess you can say, and if enough of us leave, the heart of RIU leaves as well


Well-Known Member
I'm still hanging even thou I had my thread deleted. Too many good ppl to turn away from. Plus I owe much to RIU & the internet, without both, I'd never would have grown any pot inside.

As far as those who like to "name call", I just walk on!!!



Well-Known Member
I asked RIU to delete it after reading about that kid from Jax. I live in FL and don't need those paramilitary assholes knocking at my door.

I was told that RIU was out of Canada, but then I found out the server is out of CA.

Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
oh ok yea i heard about that, 3 people already got caught, tho the closed the thread about it :neutral:

(srry for the hijacc)