Extremely Long Branches Drooping


I've got several plants outgrowing a small cabinet. I've already been through bending on my first grow (this is my second) and I've got the same problem again - plants too high for available space - BUT now with additional problem of branches growing out from stems almost horizontally and drooping to floor. The strain is Easy Rider and whichever way I bend, I'll be pushing half of each plant's branches right into the floor of cabinet. I'm at a loss for what to do: let 'em be and try to scrog - or bend them now and probably lose a number of branches on each plant.



Well-Known Member
looks like there too crowded and also an oscillating fan blowing on the stems makes em a little fatter,they need more space,more light will help,and a fan


Well-Known Member
no way ,there so stretched and skinny they can hardly stand up so water wont do shit
the plants are showing clear signs of being too dry in both pics. that is why the leaves are hanging down the way they are, and it is also why the new shoots are laying over at the top. i let my plants almost get to this point before every feeding. trust me. give them ample water and see if they straighten up.


Well-Known Member
the plants are showing clear signs of being too dry in both pics. that is why the leaves are hanging down the way they are, and it is also why the new shoots are laying over at the top. i let my plants almost get to this point before every feeding. trust me. give them ample water and see if they straighten up.

look how stretched those fan leaves have stems so long they look like individual branches til you look closer, it might be time to water that plant but watering it wont fix the problem and that is what stretchy is trying to do..fix the problem.. we all know we have to water plants when the soil gets a little dry..and this guy isnt asking watering questions hes wondering why his plant is stretched and drooping and it is like that because ther is not enough room.light.. and it looks like it could use a fan..


you should of force flowered them before they got too damn big. A few plants for a small cabinet was bound to end up in a bent stem hell. you should of gone with autoflowers or low growing plants for such a small place


I shoulda mentioned I'm growing hydro. There's a reservoir beneath the plants. The rockwool they're in is always damp, so I wonder if lack of water is the problem.