posion dwarf and W.W 400w hps come seeeeee


Active Member
hi all,

this is my first thread on here so sorry if in the wrong place if right then yehhhhh

this is my grow log for my posion dwarf and white widow.i have grow before but they were realy GHETTO grow's lol grown alittle out doors and been reading weed world for years. finaly got my own house about a month ago and have set up my new grow room a little ghetto again but hope you like it specs are...

400w hps
10liter pots
5,5ft high
4ft long
2ft deep i think thats about 40sgr ft

going to need some help PLEAAASEEE
got bio bloom and bio grow

thats all for now going to upload pics in a bit

enjoin and please help!!...is there any thiung wrong that you can see:mrgreen:

peace out :peace::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::peace::joint::joint::joint::twisted::blsmoke:


Active Member
heres a pic of my grow room and W.W hope you like

also does any one know the best lighting for autoflowering plants ive herd 18/6 is best but if any one has done these better then please say

also is any one going to say high :joint::joint:



Active Member
I am currently doing 24/0 with Auto ak-47, Auto Hindu Kush, Auto White Russian, and Auto Lemon Skunk. I will be adding Auto Poison Dwarf and Auto Diesel Ryder (Thanks to attitude seeds for them all). Now I can say that they are growing well under 24/0 but I have not tried 20/4, but most places I see say 20/4 as the optimal light schedule, but I do not think 18/6 is good at all. The least light per day you want is 20 hours, but there are a lot of people that say the more light the better with these autos, so I am going with lights on 24/0 and its looking beautiful right now


loki will kill you

Active Member
i currently have 5 poison dwarves about 7-10 days from the chop, 4 seem to be doing well except 1 got a bit close to the light and fryed a lil bit, the 5th one is stretchin like hell but only cos its too far from the light, they've been grown in a bubbler under a 250 hps.


Active Member
Im also thinkin about purchasing the Poison Dwarf.

Although ive never poped auto flowers.

ohh just got a email about your post elmroach420 lol i forgot i started this .... sorry people, ekk i will try and find some of the picturs from back then, and Btw elmroach these are some realy nice plants to grow they are very hardy and give a strait up mong!, if you got any questions SHOUT! XD

sorry for spelling mistakes lol always a little high:bigjoint::leaf::leaf: