A theory about life.


Well-Known Member
So most people in the world believe in a god of some sort, while I was really stoned, I just had this inspiration come through my mind.
I thought about how everyone has a soul, and when you die your soul must travel somewhere, but what if your soul traveled through different universes or glaxaies? Going from planet to planet after you have lived your life on one planet?

ya its kind of crazy thought but so far most people iv told like the theory lol

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Ms. Green,

GREAT thought... There are many who believe that we actually evolve to other "learning centers" and that earth is actually the place for the SLOW learners.. LOL...

and that ONE can actually evolve to become a PLANET or a star...

The most interesting and revealing item in your post to me is this..
"I just had this inspiration come through my mind"

YOU are very close to understanding something about thoughts... maybe you already understand...

We as humans NEVER have thoughts or make thoughts... we only become aware of thoughts... this is called MINDFULNESS or meditation or watching the mind.. or "being awake..

Most humans are asleep and lost in the CHATTER of the mind and thus believe that THEY are actually coming up with THOUGHTS...

and they view the world through these thoughts...

There is this Taoist saying..

stop thinking.. everything you have left, is REALITY..



New Member
there is a little voice inside my penis. i feel implied to do its bidding for some reason. that is law and that is all.


Well-Known Member
hmm. that's legit. really everything is just energy, and once we die we lose all "perceived" physical form; thus becoming "pure" energy (or something else...who can be sure really? but we do know you lose the body). From there, anything can happen.


Well-Known Member
GK (and the original post)...this is great. thanks for sharing this with us. I learned something a few years back now that I try to keep in the fore - and that is - "stop doing and start being". This relates is some small way to what you refer to at the end of your post....and I am so glad that you have taken the time, and thoughtfulness to share...:peace:
Hello Ms. Green,

GREAT thought... There are many who believe that we actually evolve to other "learning centers" and that earth is actually the place for the SLOW learners.. LOL...

and that ONE can actually evolve to become a PLANET or a star...

The most interesting and revealing item in your post to me is this..
"I just had this inspiration come through my mind"

YOU are very close to understanding something about thoughts... maybe you already understand...

We as humans NEVER have thoughts or make thoughts... we only become aware of thoughts... this is called MINDFULNESS or meditation or watching the mind.. or "being awake..

Most humans are asleep and lost in the CHATTER of the mind and thus believe that THEY are actually coming up with THOUGHTS...

and they view the world through these thoughts...

There is this Taoist saying..

stop thinking.. everything you have left, is REALITY..



Active Member
Yeah I def think our souls travel to other places than Earth. But I don't think any other physical form would necessarily have more to offer in terms of being more aware just a dif way of learning.


Active Member
I am a Taoist Spiritually and also instruct T'ai Chi Chuan. That energy felt during Tai Chi is nothing more than the spirit. It is that same spirit that heals people during Reiki Treatments.

I always found it weird that people always associate incense with something used to cover up the smell of weed....

Truth is... during Taoist ceremony the object is to open a gateway between the spiritual and earthly world. The objective is to allow the 2 spirits to communicate in order to bring greater wisdoms to the earth.

Incense is an important part of the ceremony, as it is believed that the smoke from burning incense carries our messages to heaven.

Weed... Incense.

I feel certain weed was used at some point in this ceremony and the incense was not in place simply to cover up the smell. :)


New Member
GirlGoneGreen (love the name :-) ), what GK and others like him are really saying can be discovered if you read between the lines. it goes a little something like this: noone has a clue what lies beyond death. not for our soul or our memories. so the idea you proposed is just as likely as the one GK related. speculate on whatever makes sense to you. or just go wild with your fantasy of what you would LIKE it to be.

either way, the expansion of your mind thru the exercise of your thinking and meditation faculties is the key toward peace of mind while you're on this physical planet.

good luck and share any other deep insites you reach on you journey with us.


Well-Known Member
GirlGoneGreen (love the name :-) ), what GK and others like him are really saying can be discovered if you read between the lines. it goes a little something like this: noone has a clue what lies beyond death. not for our soul or our memories. so the idea you proposed is just as likely as the one GK related. speculate on whatever makes sense to you. or just go wild with your fantasy of what you would LIKE it to be.

either way, the expansion of your mind thru the exercise of your thinking and meditation faculties is the key toward peace of mind while you're on this physical planet.

good luck and share any other deep insites you reach on you journey with us.

Yessir. everybody's got their own ideas. Think what you want about the "unknown"...maybe eventually some of them will become "known"...who knows?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The most obvious clue that somebody is asleep is when somebody defends a position... This is almost always a tell tale sign...

Conversely.. if soebody who is AWAKE tries to argue or convince those who are asleep to "awaken" or that "they are wrong".. then the person who is awake will UNKNOWNGLY fall asleep..

IT is impossible (????) to know if one is asleep.... ONE only realizes it.. once they awake...

It goes something like...
"OH SHT, I've been asleep for 30 years"


There is no position to defend or nobody to convince once ONE awakens...

ANOTHER almost bullet proof tell tale sign is that an AWAKENED one is serving other people..

THERE own worldly identity is irrelevant to them... they may be sweeping the main floor at grand central station or taking care of orphans in the desserts of arfica...

They don't care if you call them a dueche bag or punch them in the face... YOU Can give nothing to them and you can take nothing from them.. they have become WHOLE..

They are not controlled by their senses... they control their sences...



Active Member
Oh yeah dude, I always have trouble getting to sleep just knowing that I won't know when Im asleep until I am awake again.


Active Member
On the topic of sensory perception and the mind, I sometimes wonder this... When we smoke pot, or eat mushrooms, or do any drug, endorphins and other chemicals are released into our bloodstreams from the brain. Drugs dont create anything new in your brain, they let the brain release chemical reactors all at once... For instance LSD releases a lot of the same chemicals in the brain as schizophrenia does. Schizophrenics only see their alter ego because their brain releases similar chemicals. In essence, would it be possible to release these chemicals without drugs just by believing you could? Since schizophrenics truly believe that there is another person, when really it is just themself... Could one trip without drugs by means of mind over matter?


Active Member
exactly, I have tried it. I meditate completely sober, just focusing on doing it.
I will start to see things move, or float, then I immediatly doubt that it was real, and it goes away.
I think the doubt may be the only thing stopping me from doing it.


Well-Known Member
well i have convinced a number of my stoner friends that my theory is legit haha. i have never been one for religion and for most my life i have been agnostic. it wasnt until i had that thought pass through my mind that i felt well maybe this is what i want to believen. to me its comforting to know that maybe i'll just travel. lol

So every time we smoke we have this discussion of my thoughts and other feelings we feel about spirituality. I love the feeling and thoughts i have when I smoke, it allows me to flow with the ideas and let the imagination run wild.
Im curious to know others people's ideas when smoking or theories
because there is nothing better than setting your mind free.


Well-Known Member
exactly, I have tried it. I meditate completely sober, just focusing on doing it.
I will start to see things move, or float, then I immediatly doubt that it was real, and it goes away.
I think the doubt may be the only thing stopping me from doing it.
yeah dude, it's your connection to the world where "Only what is always apparent is real" that keeps you away. you've got to accept that maybe there is more. then perhaps you won't doubt so much, maybe come to terms with your knew knowledge.


New Member
well i have convinced a number of my stoner friends that my theory is legit haha. i have never been one for religion and for most my life i have been agnostic. it wasnt until i had that thought pass through my mind that i felt well maybe this is what i want to believen. to me its comforting to know that maybe i'll just travel. lol

So every time we smoke we have this discussion of my thoughts and other feelings we feel about spirituality. I love the feeling and thoughts i have when I smoke, it allows me to flow with the ideas and let the imagination run wild.
Im curious to know others people's ideas when smoking or theories
because there is nothing better than setting your mind free.
well, i grew up in a very fundamentalist Christian home. it took a LOT of study, research and personal meditation to realize the falsities of believing in invisible gods and the proven truth of evolution (which, to me, prohibits the legitimacy of any religion.)

therefore, when i smoke out and meditate i mostly find my mind wondering and meditating on early man and prehistory and the cosmos. i guess i'm still meditating and formulating theories as regards the catalyst that led to the human condition today, however, now i stay out of the realm of the supernatural and search for the natural explanations.i can honestly say i have never been more interested or excited in deep explanations as i am now that i have shirked the imagination limiter that is the supernatural. when you believe in god, you truly live in a very small world.

but the physical & chemical responses the body undergoes when in deep meditation is worth the effort, as well. different techniques open your mind to some tantalizing possibilities. to me; the brain + weed = awake.

quote: "my father says that almost the whole world is asleep. everyone you know, everywhere. only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant and utter amazement." - joe vrs. the volcano.

that is my goal. cheers! :joint:


New Member
well i have convinced a number of my stoner friends that my theory is legit haha. i have never been one for religion and for most my life i have been agnostic. it wasnt until i had that thought pass through my mind that i felt well maybe this is what i want to believen. to me its comforting to know that maybe i'll just travel. lol

So every time we smoke we have this discussion of my thoughts and other feelings we feel about spirituality. I love the feeling and thoughts i have when I smoke, it allows me to flow with the ideas and let the imagination run wild.
Im curious to know others people's ideas when smoking or theories
because there is nothing better than setting your mind free.
how many people are going to continue calling this lady a dude?