00ops did i burn it?

nitrous oxide

Active Member
Sup guys? I have 18, same strain, same soil, same water, and they all look like they are doing well except this one looks a little burned i think? Or is it something else?

O ya i checked the ph of the water just barely and it was like 6.7 in and somewhere around 6 out. Im using fox farms ocean forest soil and nutes. I think i may be over feeding them too. Some of the leaves are droopy. What do you guys think and thanks for your help!

wow i forgot to put pics up hold on while i figure it out lol

I cant paste the img this is killing me


Well-Known Member
your nute burn is a direct result of your overwater... I if were you, and I do grow good buds, i would right away not water for 3-4 days... then if you kepp them in the same pot size( which i do recommend you transfer to bigger pot, atlease 3 gal...) i would water 2/3 the amount you are now... the reason you leaves are so fat, is because their water content is so high, as they do this to cope with over watering (indooors and in nature)... but they are only SO resistant..

basically, not big issure her, just water 2/3 after severdays of not water and you'll be fine

nitrous oxide

Active Member
your nute burn is a direct result of your overwater... I if were you, and I do grow good buds, i would right away not water for 3-4 days... then if you kepp them in the same pot size( which i do recommend you transfer to bigger pot, atlease 3 gal...) i would water 2/3 the amount you are now... the reason you leaves are so fat, is because their water content is so high, as they do this to cope with over watering (indooors and in nature)... but they are only SO resistant..

basically, not big issure her, just water 2/3 after severdays of not water and you'll be fine
Thanks for the input man. I think this strain has a tendency to grow fat leaves and i may have been over watering just a touch, but not everyday or anything. And if I flowered now would these overgrow their containers? Ive never quite understood the foot per gallon thing. Is that a veg foot or a finished foot? Once they flower do they need any more roots or can you flower a root bound plant? Ive been doing some reading and some people are claiming that it doesnt matter if its root bound as long as you can keep up with the frequent waterings. Sorry for going off on a tangent but if you guys feel like chiming in on this for me i would appreciate it. Im not sure when im going to flower and im hoping not to transplant but i have a feeling im going to have to.