dare you play?


Active Member

Well you can always go for the index shorter than the ring trick. It's not always 100% effective as some women have shorter index fingers, but if your at all unsure in the first place check the hand and if the index is shorter get the hell outa there.


Well-Known Member

Well you can always go for the index shorter than the ring trick. It's not always 100% effective as some women have shorter index fingers, but if your at all unsure in the first place check the hand and if the index is shorter get the hell outa there.
Mine is shorter . . . am i a transvestite? :shock:

Well you can always go for the index shorter than the ring trick. It's not always 100% effective as some women have shorter index fingers, but if your at all unsure in the first place check the hand and if the index is shorter get the hell outa there.
That's about all fags, not just trannys. Or so I've heard. :-( A Weird world we live in...


Well-Known Member
I have to ask, where does a girl who wants to be a man get a penis? Do they just have a freezer of them laying around or something? Or do they get them off dead people?


Well-Known Member
I know to turn a guy into a girl they litteraly cut off the penis, turn it inside out, then stuff it back up into the body.

Not to jack the thread, I got 10 - 16.
At first I was appalled but hell some men treat their cak worse . . . .:fire:


Well-Known Member
14 outta 16... one that i got wong, i wasnt confident with my answer that i gave... shouldnt have second guessed my self...


Well-Known Member
I have to ask, where does a girl who wants to be a man get a penis? Do they just have a freezer of them laying around or something? Or do they get them off dead people?
i think its guys get tits... if u ask me ,that shits "dudes with tits" not "chicks with dicks"... if it has have a penis, its a guy imo