Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

Let me re-post Post # 330 here:


The longer the VEG cycle, the more the yield. Consider this, in nature, outdoors, we plant a seed in mid to late April. It grows through April, May, June, July, and in mid to late July, as the sun's rays change, the plant naturally changes from VEG to FLOWER, with the diminishing sun's rays. That is nature's way. The plant grows and matures to an adult plant for about 3 to 4 months. THEN, it makes flowers. That is nature's way. Indoors, in HYDRO with feeder tubes, we cut that time in half, by using 24/7 LIGHT. instead of 3 months, or 13 weeks, it takes about 5 to 6 weeks to become a mature plant in HYDRO, with 24/7 LIGHT. Pot plants growing as young plants, make what we call nodes, or a set of two leaves, one directly across form the other. When a pot plant is mature, it will make new leaves one at a time, not directly across from an other leaf, but staggered. OK, also in nature, in addition to plants, we see animals and humans reproduce at maturity or adulthood. If a human, (or dog or any animal) is forced to make babies before maturity, like getting a 12 yr old girl pregnant, or a dog in her very first heat, then the babies are weak, or runts, or deformed, and just not at their best.A dude here, a most experienced, knowledgable grower named fdd2blk (and a MOD here too) taught me a long time ago, that it does not make sense, it is not wise, it is not logical, to make a child have a child, and it is not wise or smart or logical to make an immature baby plant, have babies. LET THE BABIES GROW AND LET THE ADULTS MAKE BABIES.If you will VEG for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, a much larger yield, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers) .If you begin Indica Flowering, after VEGGING 3 or 4 weeks, you will harvest about 60% to 75% of what you would have harvested, IF you had waited and VEGGED for 5 or 6 full weeks.This info applies to rapid growing in Hydro, and to Indica strains. NOT slowly in SOIL, and NOT Sativa.
YES, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, VEG for 3 months and wow, you need a chair to trim.
Jonny, I have thought about it and I want to do it, but I don't know if I will.

There is a CLOSURE to harvesting, to getting it over, (get er done) to see the fruits of your work and efforts and store the grow tanks and lights back in the attic and just get it over and done with.

I have told myself a coupkle of times that I would harvest half or 1/3 and come back later for the remaining popcorn buds, but then, I get carried away and want to finish it.

Two years ago, I did try it, harvesting in parts, and harvested the top half, and after two weeks, they were still in shock from the butchering and the popcorn buds were still popcorn buds. Uncle Ben said I should have waited two more weeks. Well, who wants to add 4 weeks to his grow, but I would like to get 6 more ounces of larger buds than the 3 or 4 ounces of popcorn buds and small buds.

I just don't know now.

I know it's truly a tossup. Well if you don't rest assured I will and We'll compare notes :)
Good stuff roseman, I was going to buy the stealth hydro kit but after seeing your DIY I decided to make my own it cost me around $68 dollars to make. I will be starting my DWC grow in 2 weeks wish me luck.

Terrorizer805 :leaf:
"Go follow your 'on' advise." ???? Don't you mean 'own'? And how about 'advice'.

And while you're learning how to spell, go lick your shadow for fun !
You don't have to be a dick. Everyone knew what he was trying to say. You have to remember that this is a forum about CANNABIS so half the people on here are high. Give him a break.
You don't have to be a dick. Everyone knew what he was trying to say. You have to remember that this is a forum about CANNABIS so half the people on here are high. Give him a break.

I'll respect his error if he respects Rosemans error.

High or not a little respect should be shown for such service Roseman has provided us all.

My apologizes to all for posting a smack down on this thread.
Im sorry for putting ANOTHER post on you thread Roseman. Haul me to heaven, I guess you cannot read. I showed Roseman lots of rescpect in that post. Fuck off and mind your OWN god damn business. You dont even know what i was talking about. Go to hell

Lough out Loud...
hey rosman ive got 5 plants n abubbler it looks like there all ladies , the bigest 1 is a bout 12" tall do u think ill have room to flower all 5 n the bubbler considering size ?
damn, they are gonna be monsters... nice.... roseman, would say your space for lighting is filled or could you add any... whats your total wattage?

I could not cram another bulb or reflector in that closet. 4 of the bulbs are old and already went through one grow before this one. They are weak and not putting out the lumens that they used to put out.

Counting all the light, threre is 1100 watts in there.

Last year I put 4 bulbs on tables, on the sides. This year I do not have the tables or side bulbs.

I am still getting a lot of stretching on one end where the OLD bulbs are, but I re-arranged them today.
hey rosman ive got 5 plants n abubbler it looks like there all ladies , the bigest 1 is a bout 12" tall do u think ill have room to flower all 5 n the bubbler considering size ?

On the SH website it says about the 8 gallon tank:

Keeping Size in Perspective
This system was not designed to grow six 6-foot tall Christmas Trees. (Although we have grown 4 plants, 3, 4 and 5 feet tall in one tank.) We have heard a few growers tell us "I just realized that the 6 plants are going to get very crowded after they get 3 or 4 feet tall". This system was not designed for 6 giant plants. There is a reason that the tank is 21 and a half inches long. There is a reason it is called a STARTER KIT.
When this system was originally designed, many factors went into deciding what size tank and size pumps to use. The main factors were economy, simplicity, stealthness, and making sure the tank would fit into the end of a small closet, out of the way and out of sight. We've heard of a few growers that try to change to a much larger tank, and realize how much more work and trouble is involved in using a larger tank and moving larger quantities of water. Draining and replenishing the water can be a major task in a much larger tank. Not only are more larger and expensive air and water pumps needed for a larger tank, but larger pumps make more noise. Draining and cleaning a larger tank is a ton of work and trouble too. If you want to go with a bigger system, then connect two tanks together. And if you want to grow large plants, then start them in the Bubbleponics System, then transfer them into the Bucketeer Large Bucket DWC system. Or do like most growers do and just grow 2 or 3 large plants in one tank by selecting and keeping the more desirable three plants and disposing of the other three.

I would like to repeat, this is a STARTER KIT.

That being said, if you read the Tutorial or study the pics, there are 5 plants in one tank to the left of the closet and 3 plants in the tank to the far right. Of the 5 in one tank, one is a runt about 18 inches tall, and one giant is 54 inchs tall. he other three average 38 to 42 inches tall. The walls of the closet help support them and hold them up.

Allow me to show you a friend's grow, a friend and a grow I truely admire and respect. His name is Jonnybtreed and he has 5 plants in this one 8 gallon tank. Ask yourself would you like to have that grow, or do you desire less???






What MORE does anyone want from an 8 gallon tank???

This is what we dream about and want and desire so bad!!!!

Jonnybtreed, if you object to me posting your grow, let me know. I just think it is one awesome grow to show folks.

Quick Question Roseman, Are the drip feeders supposed to be on 24/7?
Also what strength nutrient solution do you start with and how much do you up it by everytime?

First time gonna be using DWC and just wanna get preped.
i beg your pardon regarding my previous question regarding your evolution to hid. with regards to removing males from the tank. do you just leave the hoses in the bottom of the tank or could you some how add them to your females, as you said the double lined plants in the bucket grew faster with 2 lines. appreciate your passion.
thanks roseman i definatly dont want less lol. looks like ill b just fine . and yes those r some bad ass buds jonny grew hope mine r look that good .
Quick Question Roseman, Are the drip feeders supposed to be on 24/7? YES, 24/7.
Also what strength nutrient solution do you start with and how much do you up it by everytime?

First time gonna be using DWC and just wanna get preped.

Man , I'm sorry, but I am tired of posting the same answers twice.
look here:

Feeding Page 9 & 10 & 23, Page 26 # 252 Page 43, # 425

PPM Page 14 # 138 Page 26 # 252 Page 43, # 425

Topping Off Reservoir Page 50, # 492, 493

Draining and Replenish Page 8 & Page 9, Page 23, Page 31, Post # 310 Page 50, # 492, 493

Starting Nutrients Page 9 & 10, Page 26 # 252 Page 43, # 425