30 days....is it going to make it or should I start over??


Active Member
can you believe this plant is almost 30 days along from seed?
stem was super long so someone said to transplant it into a 5 gal and fill the dirt up to the tear leaves ...well the plant went crazy and started turning yellow so I rinsed it and transplanted it fed and watrered and I think its on the rebound....
first grow ...all comments and advice that would help this plant be the best it can be...
Btw its supposedly white rhino but these buds don't look like any white rhino I've seen on the web ! I smoked:bigjoint::leaf: a half joint myself and it put me out I mean knocked out for 3-4 hours:sleep: ...next time a toke or too!:!:
Anyway here is my last bud and it don't look like th WR in the pics ....I have 5 seeds got lucky here and there sooo.....
any ideas...?????



Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you in? What, if any nutes are you feeding? It looks to me like you got some bad burn going on here.

EDIT: Also, what kind of lighting are you using and how close is it to the plant?


Well-Known Member
that plant is super small, wat r ur lights? and like he said wat soil? that should b MUCH bigger fer a month old plant! and yea dood u got alot of readin to do, i hope u dont answer me at least a few hours on the FAQs er sumthin, check out the grow journals too...heres a plant that i have at 30 days.....


Well-Known Member
how far r ur lights from them??

wat size area u growin in??

any nutrients???
if so wat kind??

how often do u water? do u declorinate ur water??

wats ur temps????


Active Member
the soil its in now is a fert free soil...I am using a cool white and a red spectrum floros at first they were too close to the light as my friend told me they had tooo be like a inch or two away so I moved them about five....water is 24 hour well water the soil is not from my yard it was in a mixed soil of prcilite and potting mix but is now in a smaller pot.
The stem was purplish so I started some nutes 15-30-15 in soil and spray ...the plant is getting new growth just have too be patient.
Like I said it is from seed...
hey thanks for all the kind help


Active Member
how far r ur lights from them??

wat size area u growin in??

any nutrients???
if so wat kind??

how often do u water? do u declorinate ur water??

wats ur temps????
This is all advice from other people and it almost killed my plant...
It was in a 5 gallon bucket holes drilled in bottom
now in a small container until I get growth
nutrients are a 15-30-15
just started that plant food yeterday seems to have helped miracle gro all purpose plant food (water soluble)
water is from well no chlorine it sits 24 hrs first....I water according to a inch deep
If its getting dry I water ...no schedule


Active Member
What kind of soil are you in? What, if any nutes are you feeding? It looks to me like you got some bad burn going on here.

EDIT: Also, what kind of lighting are you using and how close is it to the plant?
I was using a mixture of organic soil mixed with perlite no nutes and the plant shot up fast long stem...so I was advised to transplant it to a 5 gallon bucket with drain holes and fill soil up to the tear leaves ...well my plant started acting funny the single starter leaves started yellowing... and drying...
so someone said to nute feed them so I did with the 15-30-15 all purpose plant food from miracle grow...
I also changed the soil and transplanted into a smaller container farther from the lights which are a cool white blue and a red spec floro ...I will go to 400 hps when plant is ready...I do not want my plant to die sooo I am being patient ...I need to get a ph tester for water and soil and a good friend to help me along the way!


Well-Known Member
im here, but u need to get it out of the small container it needs room to grow sum roots to grow any more!! and i should have it under the 400 just bakd off a lil more than normal. u need to chill on the nutes i think ur gunna burn the SHIT out of them dood. they already looked burnt, and that thing should b huge by now


im here, but u need to get it out of the small container it needs room to grow sum roots to grow any more!! and i should have it under the 400 just bakd off a lil more than normal. u need to chill on the nutes i think ur gunna burn the SHIT out of them dood. they already looked burnt, and that thing should b huge by now
You need to get you some better soil. I had that problem once and changed to fox farm soil and have never had the problem since


Active Member
You need to get you some better soil. I had that problem once and changed to fox farm soil and have never had the problem since
Dude.... I've changed the soil three times now...so now its in a soil you buy and add water and it puffs up ...it is supposed to be nute free


Well-Known Member
You need to get you some better soil. I had that problem once and changed to fox farm soil and have never had the problem since

i use Fox Farms ocean forest too dude, love that shit!!

heres wat im gettin from it....

this is 51 days vegd, and i topped it above the 2nd node to get 4 main colas from it.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Is that from seed or cutting ?

SEED!! just started flowering 3 days ago too! cant wait to c wat the buds look like!! bag seed of sum good southern cali herbals. shes been vegin fer long enough, startin to stretch out so flowered her. NICE STINKY indica thats fer sure!!!!;-):leaf:

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
ok on you next grow get fox farm soil, or at least some good soil, go to a nursery get the best stuff you can get, lets face it if you order good dutch seeds you are going to be paying about $10 per bean spend at least $10 for a bag of soil... dont tear off the leaves they will fall off on their own. the color of the unhappy leaves tells me that you need to revise what you are feeding them, and unless you have it in coco choir the soil isn't nute free. It might not have any artificial nutes in it, but if it has a ph issue you could be locking out nitrogen or phosphorus. and yes give it a bigger home a 2-5 gal bucket is Awesome: the more room for roots, the more roots; the more roots, the bigger the plant... but with a big bucket and a little plant you need to make sure you dont over water it. Nearly killed a lime tree that way. Yes cuttings do take off quickly but so does a properly kept seedling, in both cases it is all about the roots,if you had started your seed in a rapid rooter or rock wool it would have developed better roots and explosive growth would have occurred faster. LEARN from this one and dont make the same mistakes next time.