Ok your up...Do tell us what we can do to decrease cost of health care and medication...and dude take the time to read the bill.If you like what you got...keep it..its simple even a caveman can do it..read the bill
First of all, keep government out of the private sector. This bill is forcing the rich to provide for the poor. Take money from the rich to "subsidize" the poor. What incentive will there be for people to follow the American dream? If we are all created equal, and have equal opportunities, then why are certain individuals getting more? The people who support the democrats monstrosity are poor people who can't afford healthcare, so they expect the "greedy" rich to take care of them. To answer your question, tort reform, tax credits, individual health care savings accounts, not allowing illegals to get procedures, among others.
Are you telling me you've read the whole bill, and are some kind of expert on it? I've read sections, but being over 2000 pages, it might take a while to get through. Are you telling me you don't see anything wrong throughout the entire bill? How can you support something like this when all you hear from democrats is the patriot act, and how wrong it was for that to get passed?
You say you can keep what you got, but how do you expect private companies to compete with the government when they are the one's who set the rules, change the rules, have unlimited funds(from raising taxes), and so on? They are trying to get their foot in the door, because like Obama said, his goal is to have a single payer system. Eventually, there will be no private insurance companies, you will be forced on the government program, wether you like it or not, and there will be no way to call out injustices in the system, seeing as citizens have no power or influence over what goes on in the government.
Smoke break.