Free Nutes


Active Member
i don't use that kind the kind i use starts with grandma some thing or other can't think right now but it is only like $2.99 at


good find! i requested mine, we'll see how it goes.... definately a repworthy find though... i like samples :)
Did everybody use real names and phone numbers?

I dunno I just kinda felt a little better about fudging a few things. Gave an old land line phone number that got cancelled awhile ago, and used a fake name.

Correct address of course, need it to make it here.

Any guys with previous experience with Bio Bizz? For my next project I was just going to use the basic Fox Farm soil Trio, but if I can get some Bio Bizz stuff for free than that would be awesome.

I only do one or two ladys at a time because I have no interest in turning a profit from them, quality smoke is more important. Do they send enough nutes for an entire grow for two ladys?


Well-Known Member
My samples came in the mail today. Two samples each of Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom, and Top Max. Small sample sizes though, but hey its free.

Edit: One of my Top Max bottles had a loose lid and a third of the contents spilled out. I emailed them thanking them for the samples and mentioned that someone may want to double check the bottles before shipping and the GM is sending me a new set of samples without me even asking for them. Definitely a nice gesture on their part. Hopefully Ill have enough samples to last me long enough to do a side by side comparison with fox farms.


Active Member
that is what happened to me to mine shuld be coming any day now, I got a email from him yesterday say that he put a special package together for me since everything spilled


Well-Known Member
Yeah got my free sample. I won't be useing them, lol I am a Fox Farm die hard. But I will be kicking it down to other grower friends of mine to get bonus points with them.
Thanks again KoolAid