How long can rooted cuttings sit in humidity dome


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, How long can I keep my rooted cuttings in my humidity dome for?

They've been rooted for 4 days and I'm starting on my next grow in 2 weeks, I won't need them till then.

Will they die? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you should remove your dome long before they ever even root. i keep my dome on the first 3 days, then i remove it. roots start showing at day 5 - 7.


Well-Known Member
you should remove your dome long before they ever even root. i keep my dome on the first 3 days, then i remove it. roots start showing at day 5 - 7.
I just removed my dome, how long can they stay alive for after they are rooted. They are rooted as of now and I don't need to use them until Dec 6th. Will they stay alive till then?

Thanks for the input. :leaf:
We live in Colorado on top of a mountain. It is VERY dry up here. I was having trouble with my clones twisting and wilting as soon as they came out of the dome. All of them having several one-inch roots. (after 8 days) I have found that leaving them 2 weeks in and I have a tangle 2-3 inch roots under the vermiculite. I take them out of the dome at the BEGINNING of 12/12 in my flower room 2 X 600 watt HPS going. Straight into soil. (make my own and even produce our own guano compost.) I leave them in under those 2 lights about 36 inches down top-to-light on a shelf. After 12 hours in there they go back under the MH and they go NUTS.

At 8 days they had a 70-80% survival rate. At 2 weeks 98% survival and MUCH faster veg.

I usually use clonex and rockwool half buried in vermiculite. Recently tried Earth Juice gel... Earth Juice took longer to root. 80% success. The ones that died died in the first 3 days. NO WILT coming out of dome and they are now twice as big as clonex clones taken at the same time with healthier leaves and bigger buds. Next round I am switching back to Earth Juice. Will be cloning 2 new strains. Will report if I get the same results.


Well-Known Member
I use the rockwool slabs in the domes. I soak the rockwool in 350-400PPM clonex with a Ph of about 6. They take at least 10 days to show roots poking out of the sides. I then transfer them to the DM-10 rockwool cubes, soaked in clonex as well. Lately as soon as i transfer all of them 5-10% of them wilt within 20 minutes after going into the cube.....why is this?