cant decide..hydro or soil..?


Well-Known Member
I currently have three plants started in a dwc setup. I have only been using water from the tap, and expected them to do poorly. however, all of them have survived, and the roots grow larger every day. been using fox farm nutes, and everything seems ok.

my question is, I've got a few seeds coming in the mail sometime this week, and cant decide if I should risk trying them in my hydro setup without the full knowledge of it, or do a soil grow where I'm certain i could get decent results. any advice??:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i personally think hydro is easier to control vs. soil. and less of a mess. also, it's easier to get rid of water than it is soil...


Active Member
i personally think hydro is easier to control vs. soil. and less of a mess. also, it's easier to get rid of water than it is soil...
i always grow soil - can god be wrong lol - do water and electric really mix - some argue soil grow taste better - just a thought :)

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive been in soil for over thirty years outside and since 1999 inside.Im running my first DWC buckets now and Im 5 weeks into flowering and alls well.This will be my one and only DWC grow,my buds grow better, easier and taste one hell of lot better in soil.Too much bullshit to fuck with them buckets ever two or three days.One fuckup in dwc and your seeds are stunted,dirt is more forgiveing when you spend cash on seeds.................peace


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, right on.. maybe ill try one or two seeds in a hydro setup, but i'm pretty impressed so far with my bagseed grow. had cfls on it til i got a 400 watt hps a few days ago and its got some pretty gnarly lookin colas, so soils treated me pretty good. i'll swear by molasses now, shits bomb lol

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
your hydro will work 100 times better if you use reverse osmosis water i just fill up 2-4 5 gal home depot buckets every week. super simple. I will say with soil growing if you fuck up there you cant just dump out the res and refill it. and in hydro you can see your root growth. It is also easier to control bugs.


I use both, Always grown soil, however I'm trying the dwc setup now, have 3 6 site systems running, and i must say, its a damn pain in the ass until you get it right (nute mix and so on, spots here, deficiency there, wilting bla bla) I have been using the General Hydro Flora 3 part system, however I'm headed down this week to pick up some Fox farm nutes because of what i have read here about such good luck using them. I will say that the growth in the DWC has really outdone my Soil growing as far as speed.
however its like i heard an ol boy say once, "God said sow seed in dirt"!! LOL
I use both and will continue because I think they both have there pros and cons..


Well-Known Member
I'd take hydro ANY DAY.. soil to me is just a waste because you can't track things with the same easy as hydro, at least not for me.. honestly i'd say research the shit out of hydro and do it that way. you seem to be doing very well already.


Well-Known Member
yea i suppose my next important investment would be a meter to measure ppm? still dont know a whole lot about that so will get on it, but should be good to go otherwise. picked up some more fox farm nutes today, so got the whole trio now. also got some white widow, afghan kush, hashplant, and blue mystic seeds on the way, thinkin of tryin some in soil just to be safe, and maybe a couple in hydro. anyone have experience with any of those strains? is it all its cracked up to be, can i expect the frosty nuggets i see in high times and such?? haha kinda stoned and ranting now, nite!


Well-Known Member
Both... 1/2 one way, half the other. Screw up the dwc and you'll have backup, but keep the dwc going and the dwc ones should outperform the soil and that will be your measure of whether you are getting the dwc right or not. Also the dwc ones will be ready to take clones and flower the clones sooner so you'll know if they're female before the others if all goes right. If your water works fine now don't sweat it.

I hope you have a ph/ec meter though.
Or test kit for ph. And proper ph up and down.