What do you eat when you are baked?


Well-Known Member
I'm all about the mexican food when I'm high. I'll go to this local place that is open 24 hours. Get some chile rellenos, burrito's(bean and cheese, california, ham egg bacon and cheese), carnitas chimichanga, pupusa de queso(actually el salvadorean but no need to get technical so it's mexican), beef torta, super nachos, carne asada fries, chicken flying saucer (aka tostada on a flour shell), Quesidilla supreme, Tacos, taquitos, and of course some jamaica to drink.

Those are the things I love most in life when I'm high.

Anything and everything.


Well-Known Member
I've been stuck on california burritos for about 6 months now, I also like peanut butter and honey and some milk-high class eats.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't like to eat that much when I'm high - the concept of 'munchies' is misinterpreted entirely by most people. You're not that hungry, it's less hunger and more desire to stimulate the senses. I find a spoon full of honey or a marshmallow go a long way when you got the stoner craves. Although, when I AM actually hungry while stoned, I really enjoy cooking. I try to be high during at least one preparation for a meal a day. The whole concept of preparing then sitting down and fully enjoying your meal is really relaxing - not to mention time consuming - really makes that time you had to 'suffer though' making food that much better. Then again, I don't tend to eat junk food so I guess I could be looking at this in an entirely different perspective : P

If you want something to enjoy while high, try making sure it's creamy - this utterly destroys mouth pasties - one sip of 10 percent cream cripples the uncomfort of dry mouth instantly.


Well-Known Member
Extra butter popcorn, tripple cheese Mac n Cheese and Seven layer Nachos yum. Risk of cardiac arrest never tasted so good. Lol