GanjaFarmer's T5 Indoor Breed & Grow 09-210

Do you think my choice of genetics will turn out a good strain?

  • Damn Rights! *Drool*

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • It should be pretty decent

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • not bad

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • uhh it might be ok? but wtf is polecat?

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow growers, this is the start to my indoor T5 Closet grow,
But this is not going to be just a indoor grow, i'm going to attempt to produce a new strain.

Genetics: Purple Kush, Polecat/purpleindica/blueberry hybread
Mighty Might hybread.

Males: the pc/pi/bb/ hybread will supply the males,
i got a pk clone and a mighty might hybread clone.

i'm going to cross bread the male with all females and then back breed the new strains into 1 and have a new and exciting strain for next years outdoor grow.

If your interested in this type of grow, please subscribe, there will be frequent picture updates and info.
and feel free to share any breeding tips anyone might have. Thank you for subscribing.
Ganja Farma-:bigjoint:

(Pictues coming soon)


Well-Known Member

not sure on the choice off the top of the head...its late..damn cant even typ havin to go bak a bunch haha but we will c!!!


Well-Known Member
Alllright i have a few pictures to start with,
The biggest plant is my purple kush clone i made awhile ago, its still on the mend after a bad lockup but its doing well! notice how its tied down.
the little guy is my mighty might hybread, and then i have 11 seedlings i have just planted, all 11 seeds sprouted in 24 hours and were ready for planting in 48. most of the seeds are the blueberry/purpleindica/polecat mixture but there might be a few mystery ones in there, so we will find out!
More pics too come as soon as the seedlings pop out the soil.
Enjoy + Comment + Subscribe
Thank you.

(Please note: In the process of re-setting up my grow closet, i have reflective poly and other do dads that go along with a grow room, ill get pictures of it once its put back together.)



Well-Known Member
yeah it will be interesting, ill post pics whenever new growth or something like that happens, next pics will include the sprouts burstin fourth out of the soil! 11 of them! and all i got is a closet! but a few will be males so they will go in a diff room and ill have to SOG the females and collect pollen from the males, i have big sheets of pexiglass im going to sit the males on and let them drop pollen on it then scrape it like keef and inpregnate them those milfs :D haha


Well-Known Member
Here's updated pics, the seeds have sprouted and are very healthy, the mighty clone is thriving and is growin leaps and bounds! and my purple kush clone is growing at a very steady rate.



Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy! its not super interesting yet but eh every set of pictures it will get more exciting. hopefuly i can get a few people watchin it so i can get feedback and suggestions ect! ANYONE LOOKIN AT THIS PLEASE SUBSCRIBE.


Well-Known Member
im gunna take a seat in the back. Im going to start my breeding experiment soon. So it will be interesting to compare methods and get a few pointers on the back cross from ya. Looking like your off to a good start. I cant wait!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for joining me guys! you will not be disappointed, there isn't many T5 grows on this site it seems so im feelin kinda unique right now! haha but maybe ill be ableto show people what T5's can do for people :)

I'll post a list of the products i use for growing and take a picture so everyone knows what im working with and such.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for joining me guys! you will not be disappointed, there isn't many T5 grows on this site it seems so im feelin kinda unique right now! haha but maybe ill be ableto show people what T5's can do for people :)

I'll post a list of the products i use for growing and take a picture so everyone knows what im working with and such.

ive been lookin into the HO t5's thinkin about it but i need more flowering light! red spectrum!!! but YES i havent seen many neither, thats y im stayin tuned!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ive been lookin into the HO t5's thinkin about it but i need more flowering light! red spectrum!!! but YES i havent seen many neither, thats y im stayin tuned!:bigjoint:
The T5's i use are full spectrum, meaning it has adaqute amount of both blue and red light, it works great for vegging and works great for budding, i use sunblaster's there acutely meant for growing. ill show you the specs., they arent just a normal T5, it has all you need to veg and flower, only 30 bucks for a 4 footer for me.

Bulb Type T5 - Power Consum = 54watts
Bulb Life 10,000 Hours - Inital lumens 4800
Spectrum - 6400K = Full spectrum

They also have full spectrum CFL's for growing 200 Watt has 6500 lumens and 25000K spectrum, im going to get a few of those to compliment my T5's.

they are great lights for growing, energy efficient yet beasty enough to pull off some decent buds, i mean its bright shit i cant look at my lights lol



Well-Known Member
oh and a 150 watt hps and a HUgE cfl fer flowering, and cfls fer veg. with fox farms ocean forest soil


Well-Known Member
Nice buddy, looks like you got a nice lineup of products there and a decent setup you should do quite good! :D
ive used all my products before and they are all supurb, maxi grow is fuckin crazy it makes your plants like steroids and then the bio bloom is an every watering fert u cant over do it with it cuz its organic, then my late bloom enhancer helps with building bigger denser more crystaly buds and promotes oil production with special enzymes and such has B vitamins in it aswell.


Well-Known Member
For anyone who wants to know what the strain "Polecat" is like.. well ill tell you. its rare. its a skunk type and its called pole cat because it grows interesting bud formations that kind resemble poles poking out everywhere heres a picture.

So i have a strain that contains This ^ polecat & blueberry & purple indica
which gives a cool looking plant that has random buds that go bright purple and some stay green like polecat, but are very potent and tasty.
So i will be mixing this Tri-Strain with my purple kush and make 1 hell of a fuckin plant.
then i will mix the tri-strain with my mighty might highbred, i say highbred because i know its mighty might but it has somethin else in it but the mighty might genetics seem to be dominant, its creates a very large high producing plant that enjoys a good prune, when it first flowers the hairs go neon pink and then begin to shit mass.
i will then take the 2 pk + tri strain and the mighty might + tri-strain and combine them, and then we shall see, im hoping for a very large producing plant that gives purple potent budz that are incredibly dense. this is my mission and i have accepted it.