3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)


Well-Known Member
Thats some fucked up shit dude.
Sounds like you had an idea the location was not really secure though. You hid the drying area, good move.

Anyway good luck in new location.


Active Member
im sorry to hear about that. good looking grow though. I am curious to know the dry weight now though! and more in depth pictures when you do a new rewire would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Its never been the po's I have worried about.... just STUPID people like that...... but any who know I....... know the consequences ;)


Well-Known Member
the ''keep off my greens'' law, ive heard of that! haha. sorry bout wat happen to u i feel for u, mayb not to that xtent but a couple g's in car audio equpment aint kool neither. do wat i did....SMOKE A FATTY:eyesmoke:


there mite be sum pix in the beginning showin sum setup stuff but ive been too swamped to get to the growroom house and take any detailed pix.

the electrial was the 10gauge wire ran from an old washer/dryer outlet that was 220v and we built a custom electrical box for the ballast all to b wired together and use one timer in the flower room. we did a seperate outlet for the veg room.
if u look in thebeginnin pix we mounted the ballast high up on shelves near the cieling. water below the waist and electrial above the waist always for safety. theyre also digital ballasts and put off less heat but since heat rises its another reason to mount ur ballast up high

hey boomer,

sorry to hear about the mishap, one question, where did u get the wire for the 220v dryer outlet and do you know if there is an extension for this?



Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words guys but ya in the beginning i already had an idea it was sketchy and i told him to kik bak but its life and shit happens.

the next location will def be way lowkey cuz its gonna b mine lol. and after all the shit thats happened to me with these grows im all about paranoid security systems lol. between cameras dogs guns and a security system im not takin any chances and no one will even know about it not even my friends. its straight biz.

but ya to make things worse i sprained my knee at work and on crutches so i have sum down time which is nice to recoop and get a new gameplan. already got the location and greencoast hydro is workin on an exact quote and discount for me for the hydro setup. once i figure all that cost out ill figure out wat funds i have to work with and get the setup rollin in a month or so.


Well-Known Member
i started a new thread to discuss my next indoor hydro medical grow so if u guys can go check it out and check out the list of strains ive been recommended trying and help me decided which to go with. thanks guys

heres the link;

Hey Boomer!! Did you ever get a final weight on this grow? :bigjoint:
Oh, I also joined that other site you mentioned and added you..haven't really checked it out yet though.


Well-Known Member
Get a shotgun. If your 18.

Pistol if your 21. Go for something small. Ex:Glock, 1911's

Dont go for the big ol .45 itll fk someone up but its too hard to control.

I am a peaceful person, but not everyone wants peace, so you gotta have your protection.


Can you tell me how you FIMed In simplest terms.

I cant really understand it. I want to be 100% sure if im doing it right.


Well-Known Member
Some crazy shit, I def love my second ammendment rights..... But that def could happen to anybody. reitterated everything........ maybe a little security crew is needed..... But what would happen then? Might not be any better than what did happen.......in the long run... Looking forward to dry weight. You did a good job!


Well-Known Member
sadly since my buddy had a fellow grower that wasnt experianced do the topping method that he thought was a "FIM" turned out to just be a really bad topping that mutalated the plant which ended up us veggin longer and the flowering produced very poor results. the quality seems to be there but the canopy was uneven due to an incoorect FIM and the dried weight was only 18 ounces.
turns out to be only .21g/watt used. less then half the newbie goal of .5g/watt. but to look on the bright side he learned a lot and we didnt lose the crop so time to start over and get it right with co2 dialed in next grow.

and about the firearms we all have 12gauge berretta over and under and a springfield 9mm hollow point ammo but im not there and he doesnt have a security team and didnt think enough to carry a gun in his pocket 24/7 especially mid day. but maybe he will now haha.
but who really wants to risk pullin the trigger and think about ur chances of actually surving; two guys with guns and intetntion to use them and u draw out a gun urself, ya u mite get one but ure no john wayne. lol
better no one got hurt and we start over sumwhere else peacefully.

but anyways thanks to everyone for following the grow and hope u stay tuned for the next thread to come were currently workin on our next two grow rooms at two diff locations.

and about my previous post plz let me know wat strains u suggest or any feedback. im thinkin bout doin the master x bubba kush strain and my buddy im gonna have him try the casey jones strain since it supposedly yields high.


Well-Known Member
sadly since my buddy had a fellow grower that wasnt experianced do the topping method that he thought was a "FIM" turned out to just be a really bad topping that mutalated the plant which ended up us veggin longer and the flowering produced very poor results. the quality seems to be there but the canopy was uneven due to an incoorect FIM and the dried weight was only 18 ounces.
turns out to be only .21g/watt used. less then half the newbie goal of .5g/watt. but to look on the bright side he learned a lot and we didnt lose the crop so time to start over and get it right with co2 dialed in next grow.

and about the firearms we all have 12gauge berretta over and under and a springfield 9mm hollow point ammo but im not there and he doesnt have a security team and didnt think enough to carry a gun in his pocket 24/7 especially mid day. but maybe he will now haha.
but who really wants to risk pullin the trigger and think about ur chances of actually surving; two guys with guns and intetntion to use them and u draw out a gun urself, ya u mite get one but ure no john wayne. lol
better no one got hurt and we start over sumwhere else peacefully.

but anyways thanks to everyone for following the grow and hope u stay tuned for the next thread to come were currently workin on our next two grow rooms at two diff locations.

and about my previous post plz let me know wat strains u suggest or any feedback. im thinkin bout doin the master x bubba kush strain and my buddy im gonna have him try the casey jones strain since it supposedly yields high.
Well I understand they didn't look suspicious because of their Verizon shirts, but...I wouldve reached for the door gun drawn, and ask em what you want.

If they run then your good, and they dig in thier pockets then BOOM HEADSHOT>

Its better to be safe then sorry.

:D good luck , not too long ago the chief of police lives like 3 houses down from me. Got robbed. Now making it his 3rd time getting robbed in 6 months.

Fortunately, they all got caught, One was so stupid to steal his phone then attempt to make calls with it LOL.


Well-Known Member
damn man. sorry to hear your harvest wasnt what you wouldve hoped but a harvest is definitely better than no harvest. but like you said, just gotta learn from what you did right and what you did wrong and then use all your new found knowlege to tear up your next grow :bigjoint:

but yea, it's lucky no shots popped off cuz that usually doesnt end up well, but fuck, I wouldve had my heater on me or damn close to me. glad everyone's all cool tho. I'm guessing your buddy's planning on moving now yea?


Well-Known Member
Happy Day Turkey, Oh shit that was yesterday. Oh well.
Dude, I have only grown one in your list. The Trainwreck.

I can tell you its an awesome Thrichome producer so the weeds great but I dont think the yield is there for what you want to do.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys ya im checkin into diff strains still. a new one is Sour Grape from oaksterdam. the clinics ive been to have been helpinb me out and im gettin $3200/lb for my outdoor white widow no prob so hopefuly we get more for the kush


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys ya im checkin into diff strains still. a new one is Sour Grape from oaksterdam. the clinics ive been to have been helpinb me out and im gettin $3200/lb for my outdoor white widow no prob so hopefuly we get more for the kush
That isn't too bad Bro.. considering the fim mistake and all the shit you've been through..now I know it is nothing compared to your monster outdoor ladies. I am thinking of trying FIM thing or topping my girls in veg. I'll have to hit you up to get your opinion.


Well-Known Member
Hey Raider... only fim/top if you need they need/like it!!

Its plant preference for sure!!
agreed. some plants do better if you just grow them out naturally but others respond so well and bounce back quick from fims or toppings.
:leaf: :peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sup BooMe, havent had quite the time ive wanted to look throu ur entire thread, but from the the first glance with the 4x600's looked like a clean setup bro. saw some pics of ur ridiculous outdoor . hell ya keep it up. did u ever get a chance to start the casey jones u were after? been real curious bout her, and blue dream. gonna be mobbing to the bay if i dont find the shit soon.... feel free to hit my thread up .. running similiar wattage, in mostly FFOF. 4 1kers and 2 600's in the bloom room....