Do you need a low ryder strain for an Aerogarden

i am thinking of getting an AG but i need some info on them. i got this seed from dank bud i smoke but i dont know if its a low ryder or not. also during flowering do u need a hps or the AG lights are enough?


Active Member
I've seen alot of dif setups for ags Most people do use an hps or other additional lights.

You never know how bagseed is going to turn out until it grows.
I doubt it's lowrider unless you know the guy who grew it and he said it was. (even then who knows for sure).

Have you ever grown?
If not I would do some good solid research before purchasing anything.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
WHAT??? does the AG hood go up a couple of feet?
Yes, they move up a few feet. I found that mine doesn't fit under my kitchen cabinets at full extension; I had to keep it one notch lower. But one thing you could do, you could always use the aerogarden to LST a single plant. But I would def add more lighting. My aerogarden failed in so many ways, lol but it was fun. :blsmoke: