10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.



Growroom Construction project, Featuring.
(6mil) Plastic insulated, vapor barrier.
Sound deadening & much more...

+ to come... DIY: Carbon scrubber, Areoponics, etc....

*I am always a but further along than this. Please check in frequently to stay up to date.

looks good. i would sugest lining the roof and whater walls up there with a radiant barrior instead of white paint or mylar because it will insulate and help your heat signature so the f.l.a.r.e eyes in the sky dont see you glowing like a lighthouse. i bought mine at home depot for 50 bucks a role. 4x25 ft role
If you like what you see, please let me know. If you love it add me as a friend, give me rep, or subscribe to my soon to come grow journal.
Reflectix can be purchased at Home Depot/ Lowes and does a good deal on heat signatures....... I am scribed and plus rep... this should be a good one..... Link to journal? or is it yet to come?
I know it's ghetto, and I don't have enough light. I would like to add a mover with 1200 watts on each side. I need some input on venting my lights though. I only have five fans right now. My main air mover is a 6" 435 Valuline Centrifugal. What do you guys think?
....well WB, that's just the thing. I don't have any reflectors yet. The angles I'm working with along the ceiling could accommodate practically any design. I'm thinking of attaching the fan to ducting and running a light rail on each side of the room. How can I accommodate my filter, fan ,lights, exhaust and still bring in out side air. Considering a three light cool tube system on a back and forth mover.
I do have an accessible gable vent. I sheet rocked over it to contain light, but it could be use to draw fresh air if utilized correctly???


Would you be hanging the cooltubes vertical on the mover? I think that would be sweet, and have stadium like on either side. I have seen something like this with excellent results. I wish I could give you my 6' mover. In the "Best deals" thread stickied in Grow room setup and design, there is a link for cooltubes for $65 including socket, cord and reflector..... THat fan would def cool 3 tubes. Sounds like your not using 1k HPS? that fan should cool 2 1k HPS no problem. I have veen wondering if which/ if any cooltubes are stackable. Air cooling on a mover can be a bitch. Hence why I retired my mover........

I think I would use and inline booster fan to draw air in.....cheap, and will do the job. Run some ducting with bends in it on the inside if light escaping is an issue from the outside.

Are you thinking 400s, 600ws, or 1000ws.

ANother reason I ditched my mover: Light was not very well covering when the mover was on opposite side. I put my 1k in a 4' parabolic and could cover the same area. If it were me and I was determined to use a mover....... I would add some stationary supplementary lighting as well............ THen you should get the most out of the mover, and light concentration. With my mover originally I figured I would end up with very airy buds etc...........


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I have 3 x 400 watters for now 2hps & 1MH, but am thinking of going with 2x1000 watt hps on movers for flowering. Do those cool tubes accomidate 1000 watt bulbs?
The stadium style is exactly what I want. I too have seen great results with this design. Also, I want to add a "pipedreams" type areoponics system to the stadium slopes. Any links to a diy system that might be similar? I can't find anything good.
Here are some updated photos. Any input is appreciated!
yea def hold a 1000w. Ill grab the link and bring it in. I think they are refurbed, but garunteed. that is totally my style. I like your thinking. I would just offset the movers so one light is at one end and the other is at the other......... This is gonna be sweeeeeeett. If it were me(and I wasn't gonna use the 400ws for veg) I would add them in somewhere too after you get everything setup. More light the better. Especailly if your main lights are going to be moving. Never hurts to add some light concentration...... When I was moving my 1000w I considered hanging some bare bulb 400ws off the 1k reflector for more light. Not a bad idea.....

Are you gonna start with soil or hydro?
I'll be on top of this one. I am setting up for an attic grow, but nowhere near as high tech as you. Do I really need to watch out for heat signature and that "f.l.a.r.e" thing? (Whatever that stands for, I'm skeered.)

Did they take away the subscribe option? I'm either too stoned of can't find it

Edit...never mind, found it and subscribed
Subscribe function is the "Go Advanced", The police would have to get a warrant to use FLIR tech on your residence. THey won't fly around looking for you. Better be safe than sorry..... I would love to make my room protected from this, but there is just less motivation and funds when it is legal.. I have put enough money it to make my room stealth to the smell, and appearance.........this would be the next step
hi looks great, gave you some rep, is that a attic fan in the top corner? if so you can box that in and use it to cool your lights
hey , i jut looked at you light. that's a giant huge gigantic omg source of heat. get hoods and wire ballast in a remote spot. the money you saved on hoods you will spend on electric trying to cool that room. i don't believe and plant could live closer then 3 feet from that. cool tubes a must i promise you that room already has heat issues in the summer from being an attic never mind 1200 watt heater in it. expect temp around 125f-135f in ten-15 min.