10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.

I'll be on top of this one. I am setting up for an attic grow, but nowhere near as high tech as you. Do I really need to watch out for heat signature and that "f.l.a.r.e" thing? (Whatever that stands for, I'm skeered.)

Cool, Welcome!
Like WB said they are supposed to have a warrant before F.L.I.R (Forward Looking Infer Red) However, that doesn't mean that they always will. If they have a warrant to look at your house your pretty much already screwed. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I personally think it to be mostly a scare tactic.
hi looks great, gave you some rep, is that a attic fan in the top corner? if so you can box that in and use it to cool your lights

Naw Mike it's not a fan, just a gable vent on the exterior wall.
Has to be sound & light proof, Any idea's for using to vent the room? I have a 435 cfm fan...?
The name is reflectix... think about..... If you can't do the time don't do the crime. Just be ready. regardless of all measures. Enough with the guff. You will be fine......
The name is reflectix... think about..... If you can't do the time don't do the crime. Just be ready. regardless of all measures. You will be fine......

lol... true... Don't let propaganda control you. People are naturally scared of the unknown. The gov't knows that and uses this theory as a scare tacit. It's just another method of control that they've exercised because scare tactics work. (The metaphor: "Plant the seed and watch it grow", comes to mind. WE ALL KNOW ABOUT THAT DON'T WE!?)
Think about it... DON'T live in fear. That's exactly what "they" want. People who live in fear are unable to act for themselves because of fear unknown. FLIR is real, however in my opinion it is an over used idea within the marijuana community. It seems to be just another one of those propaganda techniques that allows LEA's to have control because it is scary to people. The idea that teams of choppers are constantly flying around looking for heat is ludicrous. That's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Think about how many things produce heat. "They" have more productive things to do. Mobile heli FLIR is extremely expensive most counties can't even afford it. Stationary FLIR is mostly used at the border to find hidden compartments of stowaway people. :wall:
yea , get a attic fan from home depot and put it over gable vent and box it air tight. cut a 6in hole in the box so you can attach 6in ducting. use this to cool lights. the fan is about $100 and its about 1200 cfm. i think there is 3 sizes.
how are you going to aragne you plant/ lights with all those trusses in the way? will you be able to walk around in there once you putyour garder? what method will you use also? looks to be an interesting way to seup a room hope itsworth allthe work you put in
Yeah, of course I'll accommodate moving around. I may have to crawl around abit, but I'm not to concerned about it. I'm more than willing to sacrifice. I'll be building a diy aeroponics system soon. similar to the attached picture. You'll see...
I'm going to be using a SCROG to keep plant height under control. Thanks for stopping in. Check back, I'll be updating often.
Lots of room to play with that’s always good but yea i can see where its going to be tight in there if you fill the room up just make sure you have some crawl tunnels hahaha :lol: should be fine and fun well when you’re not busy and in a rush.

I always like seeing a video but couldn’t really understand how you’re going to setup the room, isn’t there a way of putting captions (notes) in the video letting us know how you’re going to set it up. i could wait tell your done but i have no patients;-)

Looking forward to the updates.
Looks good. What is the next step? Much easier to understand your space. Like the Aero unit. Eventually I will be doing the same. I like Stinkbuds, units made out of the 5 X 5 PVC Fence Posts. Square would be much easier to deal with