Are there any black people on this forum that didn't vote for Obama?


Well-Known Member
Actually for all you smart people i want you to know that Obama actually won the election because of White votes. Blacks are not the Majority, so that means the White vote is what won for Obama. Blacks only make up about 13% of the U.S population while White make up about 78-79% so do the math.


Well-Known Member
The majority vote was also for Gore in FL. Numbers hardly seem to matter anymore. Whoever the government wants in that chair goes in the chair.


New Member
Gore lost every recount so...

Gore also only had recounts in counties he thought he would gain. the rest were not counted. he still lost on every recount.

But let's just break this myth once and for all with a bit of logic (gasp).

Florida was called EARLY by the media. lots of ppl in the panhandle didn't BOTHER to vote (different time zone). The panhandle is a republican stronghold.

But let's break it down even further for you.

Florida was the last state to be called that could sway the election.

Now let's just hypothesize that Illinois was the last state instead of Florida.
Let's suppose Illinois' voting was put under an intense light. heck, just pick ANY state.
What do you think would have happened?

Think it through folks.


Well-Known Member
Did 80% of whites vote for McCain?

Once again, the issue eludes you.
so just because 80% of the black didn't want to vote for Mccain makes them wrong ????? To me it means that 80% blacks made the right decision..maybe that eludes you...the guy voted against Martin Luther King Holiday for Arizona


Well-Known Member
so just because 80% of the black didn't want to vote for Mccain makes them wrong ????? To me it means that 80% blacks made the right decision..maybe that eludes you...the guy voted against Martin Luther King Holiday for Arizona
If they voted for him just cuz he's black...yes.

If 80% of whites had voted based on their race we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should have studied harder in English classes.
Premise 1. Black people voted for Obama because he was black.
Premise 2. This makes them stupid
Conclusion: Black people are stupid for voting for Obama.

Then says he would have voted for him too if he was black.

Actually, anyone who voted for him just because of his skin color is stupid. This includes whites, mexicans, asains, or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Actually, anyone who voted for him just because of his skin color is stupid. This includes whites, mexicans, asains, or whatever.
I know, right? :grin:

I'm sorry did you have a question there ????
No, just pointing out how your post wasn't in response to anything said in this thread. No one "cried foul", this isn't about WHO you voted for, it's about WHY you voted for that person.

Read kappainf's post, he gets it.


New Member
lol... you must have me confused with yourself....You still think that greed can't increase....???
:lol: Keep advertising ur ignorance of the human condition.

Greed doesn't increase, it's a constant. Also, it's basic, very basic philosophy 101.

No school for you?? fall asleep??

I can see why ur a liberal.


Well-Known Member
greed very well can increase can a constant.. something can be constant and still increase...ok school in again ....Lets take the snow better still lets use rain seeing how you don't get much snow in the "Sunshine" state... Lets say that it rained " constantly for two days..I mean non-stop for two sometime the rain was heavy and sometimes it was light, but it did not stop the rain was constant..Now although the rain was constant it did increase and although it was constant it did take what ever book you trying to read and use it to prop your plants closer to the light......ring ring schools out


New Member
Okay, ur officially retarded. Now that was a bit harsh, so i'll amend it to educationally challenged. ANY person with any actual study of Philosophy or the human condition will tell you that ur 100% incorrect. Greed is ALWAYS present.

Again, one more time, but cetainly the last time because the class can't wait for you forever.

Certain govt. systems handle the greed constant in man better than others. Capitalism does it best. You can't make it go away, and you cannot change the hard wiring in humans (a common liberal mistake).

Socialism is terrible with greed and Communism is off the charts. Capitalism channels the greed into productive avenues, the others do not.

I won't bother telling you that school is out. i don't think you ever showed up.

This is basic first semester stuff. Honestly, did you graduate from high school? It's okay if you didn't. It might help explain a few hundred of your posts though.

It's not too late to improve your education. Seriously. You can do it if you apply yourself.

You probably have a long life ahead of you. Don't give up on education. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ha, Imagine if in the future, you went into a voting booth and voted on a poll like that. Then the computer would figure out which candidate you REALLY want based on those criteria and submit it without you ever knowing who your voting for. It would completely eliminate the superficiality of voting based on appearance and persuasion. Imagine how fair and honest that would be. Same reason why it could never happen in the US. It would even make it fair for the slightly stupider bracket of people who have no idea who their voting for or why. They could still vote effectively without ever listening to the candidates or knowing anything about politics.

scary isn't it....
Scary? Not at all. It's where democracy NEEDS to go. Brilliant is more like it IMO. Excellent post, and something I've long thought myself.